So, now I am not aloud to say, that I have not been there. I could say it until the 9Th of April this year, but not anymore. I must admit, that this city was nice and very beautiful for my eyes. I really liked the harbour, but not only that. Also the buildings was quite interesting. Specially older buildings.
The walking self was not very long, since I learned good lesson, never wear the high healed shoes, what you have not used very long time before :) Anyway, I could still see a part of it and I have told to myself, there will be always another time :P Hopefully my guide is willing to show me more about his hometown.
He explained me several things and one of the thing, what he told me, was, that people in Gothenburg are both proud and same time hating the trams. Proud, because they have used trams on city since 1879 and hating, since they think, it takes too long time to go from point A to point B. I cant say, that it takes long time. It did not took long time in Gothenburg, and I am used to have them also in Tallinn and they do not take long time here either :) But of course, as much people live in place, as many different feelings and thoughts is there as well.
For me, the city was facinated and I felt, it is place where I would like to go back.
Also tried to have a cup from Gothenburg to my cup collection, but I did not had luck on that :D At least I tried :P I got the cup but just some fiew meters from shop, it falled down to street and went a small pieces. I thought that, ok, I will not go back to shop and buy new one, that I can do it at airport as well on my way back to Estonia, when I use Gothenburg's international airport anyway, but no luck on that either :) I used domestic fligth and they do not have any souvenir shop there :) Just one coffee place and waiting area :) So, I just told myself, there will come other time :) Next time, I will have it :)
Now I will just add some pictures, what I made in Gothenburg about the city :)
So I want to say thank you for you both to show me around that city a little :) Next time I want to see some more :P