Wednesday, March 23, 2011


It is close  to midnight. Everyone else are sleeping including our two sweet cats. One by my pillow and other one has lately started to guard my office. Sleeps between office and hall. But someone has to look what happens around here at home.

Today have been a nice day. In the morning we had one work, since other one was canceled. After that I came home and started to make things here. In some reason I felt bit tired in afternoon, but there was not much time to relax, since I needed to go to city - to get a one of the best quiche with salmon and spinach and later to pick up my Dear. He had no mood to make work ;)

Later at home we made both our own things. I read bit news on the Internet and saw, that one of the best actress in times had passed away - beloved Elizabeth Taylor. It was a loss to film world.

Also have ordered now to home my own embroidery software. It will be new one what has been launched by Husqvarna in February. I choose the middle modul in 5D - Embroidery Extra. I believe it will be good to have it and also interesting. When I can do bit own patterns as well. Also I bought one more hoop to my machine Endless hoop, so that I could do more different curtains and as well motives to bedsheets and so on and so on.

Todays post also had paper, that I have got a package. I got the fabric I ordered for summer trousers and I got the material, I needed to start to make flowers for our wedding table decorations. I thought, that it would be fund, to make my own table decorations, since when it will be my own hand made. Just something more different and that I like.
Now, I think, I will go and read a little and soon it is time to fall to sleep as well, since tomorrow will be another work day again. As usually, we will meet tomorrow again - one way or another way :)

Sleep well and good night!

Elizabeth Taylor,

Today lost Hollywood one of the talented actress - Elizabeth Taylor. It is a big lost for cinema world, since her movies was remarkable and always good to look. One of the memorable films for me was a years ago from TCM "National Velvet" what was black and white movie and as came out when I read today the news, that she was there only 12-years old. I liked the other actor on that movie as well and that was that time main reason, why I looked that movie, but it was good and I liked in the end.
Rest In Peace Elizabeth Taylor.

Månadens visdomsord / Month's words of wisdom

Att älska det vi gör ar att förvandla slaveri till frihet. Om vi inte kan älska är det lika bra att sluta med alltsammans på en gång.

To love what we do is to turn slavery into freedom. If we can not love, it is better to stop it all at once.

Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom

Du är en unik och fantastisk människa. Bland alla miljarder människor på jorden finns det ingen annan som är precis som du. Att just du finns är av största betydelse för att universum ska fungera, eftersom du själv är en del av universum. Allt det du ser, och allt det som finns, skulle inte kunna existera utan dig!

You are a unique and wonderful person. Among all the billion people on earth, there are no others that are just like you. That you are here has very big importance to the universe to work, because you yourself are part of the universe. Everything you see, and all that is, could not exist without you!