We have arrived to last day of a August. Month has been passed again very fast. Just it was beginning of August and my vacation was just end and work was waiting and already we are in the end of the month.
This month has been full of many different happenings both at work as well as in private.
The biggest thing I think what has happened and what has made me more happy is, when I started at gym in last week. Even thought it has been hard work, it has made me feel bit more happy. I don't feel that much sadness as I have felt past months.
We also had nice evening in Skövde with my husband and his friends. It was first time for me to visit that city and that was nice one. I hope that I will have opportunity to visit that city soon again. And why not to visit some other new place.
Also new year in Lions club has started. This year I am even in board and this has been new experience for me. I also have started to represent our Lions club in Worlds Children (Världens Barn) organization. We have had even first meetings on both place and it seems interesting. I really like that. I like, when I can do something good and help others. That is something what makes me feel more human, makes me feel more better person.
I also got in the beginning of month good news, that our family has got bit growth with one baby boy. Now I have made small present to that small boy, what I just need to send that package away to Estonia :)
It has been month both full of good things, things what have made me happy and it has had things what has made me sad and less happy.