Wednesday, April 20, 2011

9 days left,

Foto: Camilla Svensson
for our big day :) I am not counting :D Not at all :P

Today have been day full at work at costumers homes and also later at home. It feels so good to have our nice home. All we do in the garden, we are doing to our selves.
Work day was long and hard. First it was big cleaning. It took many hours. More we suppose to use. It happens. After that, we had one more costumer. I must admit, I have been patient, but today, I felt that my patience has left. I hope just, that it will come back latest tomorrow morning. I truly hope that.

In garden I planted today some of my flowers down, but also some herbs and onion. Now, I need one more box for herbs and things, and when I will be done :D My dear fiancee laughs over me :D In his eyes, I live on boxes :D Since today, when we went to shop, I bought again boxes :D This time for car, so that I can put all cleaning things nicely. Will see, when does I need again new ones :D Me and boxes having a love affair ;) But I like when all looks nice and have system.
As also yesterday, today I made some more napkin rings. Not very much, since we made food and I worked at garden a little time as well. Managed to make 3 more, so now I need to make 42 more and when it is all done.

Now I think, I will go bed. Tomorrow morning, I need to go to work again. Next week, I should be free and have all preparations for Saturday, but I will help Kristi as well as much as I can. Will see, how it all goes. Still I do not feel nervous about our wedding, but, it might soon come :D It comes closer and closer and still so much is needing to be done. Most works will start and needing to be done next week.

Sleep well and good night!

Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,

 Vi har alla fullständig frihet att välja precis vad vi vill. Den makten ligger nu i dina händer och det är du som väljer hur du vill använda den makten i ditt eget liv. Du kan välja:

Att skapa ett lyckligare liv i dag, eller att skjuta upp det till i morgon.

Vilket känns bäst? Du väljer!

We all have complete freedom to choose exactly what we want. The power is now in your hands and it's your choice how you want to use the power in your own life. You can choose:

To create a happier life today, or to postpone it until tomorrow.

Which feels best? You choose!