Saturday, February 26, 2011


So, now it is my turn to have the cold. During week, my fiancee was sick and now he have give it further to me. All the day, I have been felt like a dead and not alive. My nose just running and I have starting to loose my voice as well. Hopefully I will be better soon. The best way to get well is not always with good taste, but at least, I will try something :) I have taken Kan Yang, what is one of the nature medicine here in Sweden but now in the evening I also took a cold Jägermeister, what should help the throat against cold. Will see now, how much truth it is.

Today I was try to hold me at warm and my dear fiancee have tried to pamper me bit, since he feel " sooooooooo sad and soooooooo sooooooooooooo sorry" that I am ill. Nääh :D That is not totally true, since he laughs over that. Just I hope really, that this would go over, since we have quite much to do next week. Not only work, but also we have our meeting with priest and with place where we will have our wedding reception and party.
Now I will go and find up my dear pillow and hopefully can fall to sleep. Sleep should be good medicine as well and tomorrow is new day so that health should be better as well .

Sleep well my dear readers and have a nice dreams.

Wedding makeup,

Our wedding is not anymore very far. Just only 2 more months to our big and happy day. Hmm, at least we hope that it would be a happy day.
Yesterday in afternoon, I had time to try makeup what I will have on our wedding day. It feels, like I am a dummy since only thing what I can use from make up things are mascara and lip gloss. And sometimes also eyeliner. But after there was been added also foundation and rouge, I looked out different for myself, but also I really really loved the result. So if all goes well, in my wedding day I will look out again absolutely wonderful and nice. I like to look nice out to my fiancee, and still he loves me, as I am. The colors we found and tones, are really nice and I can't wait to wear it again. So, after 30 of April you will also see, what colors was chosen :)