Today I made first time homemade pickled pumpkin. As I wrote before, it is first time for me to do it, since it has been first year ago, I ate first time it. Since I did not have any recipe self, I asked it nicely from my aunt. Now it is done and waiting to be eaten later, since it wants to stand bit so that pumpkin can take all spices into it.
Here comes recipe I used, if someone would like to make it after.
1 kg cleaned and chopped pumpkin
3/4 liter water
300 gr sugar
5 corn allspice
7 corn clove
3 tbl. spoon 30% plain vinegar
small pieces cinnamon bark
Clean and peel pumpkin and chop it small square bites. After that make pickling water. Put water in one big bowl or pot. Add sugar and mix it well through until all sugar is melted. After that add all spices and vinegar. Pour all over the pumpkin and let it stay over night in chilled room.
Day two let it boil. Boil around 10-15 minutes and mix it as much as you can carefully, so that pumpkin does not get mashed.
Ler it stay at least couple of days and Bon apetit :D Nice salad for main course :)