Monday, March 7, 2011

Lions Club's monthly meeting,

Today was again time to have  a monthly meeting in our Jönköpings Lions Club. It was nice and interesting.
As usually our evening started with very good food. I feel bit spoiled, since I got some of that good pie home with me. Also different salads, 3 of them tasted very well. At least two of them, I would like to try to make my self at home as well.
After that we had our meeting part. There I also talked bit about how the situation is in Estonia after this horrible fire in handicapped orphanage. And I am also happy that our Lions Club is willing to help them. It is very heart warming. Since in Estonia for a very long time, handicapped people was hided to institutions and we never saw them on streets or concerts or theater.  It felt like they did not exist at all. After Estonia got independent, we started to see them.  We also talked bit about the classes what we collected together with specksavers during a december month and how that would be help so many people in Africa, who can't self afford to buy any. That was collaboration between Lions International in Sweden, Specsavers and Vision for all.
Also my made pictures was printed for second time at magazine. It felt so good, since I never have had something like that experience before, that pictures, what I have taken, has been printed in somewhere. Last years magazine had pictures at page 9 in the Sticket.
As a last thing in program, my fiancée talked about Estonia, since it was his turn to make entertainment program for evening. It ended, that I helped him. Later on our way back to home, he admitted that  he made some things with purpose, since he just wanted to provoke me, so that I would help him. As I told to him, he can't choose a subject, what is not very much at home, since I knew more about things, what he told  ;) But in the end, it was very good. Now I am waiting next meeting, since when we will visit old police house here in Jönköping.