This weekend has been very nice and same time we have taken bit easy, at least today, since it has been very long time, since we could do it.
Yesterday after gym and my schoolwork, we had nice relaxing Saturday evening with my dear husband. He had prepared nice dinner for us, I had lighted all candles we have at home and I must admit, we don't have only one or two candle holders :D We have a lot :D But I love living candlelight and that makes home more cozy and nice.
Today morning we did something we have not done another long time - sleeping morning and long morning at bed.
After breakfast, we both have been sitting with our own hobbies. I must say, sometimes I just hate the Internet, but sometimes I just love it. Lately I have got bigger and bigger interest for quilting. I have got it for years ago, but when I lived in Estonia and could not see, that people shared so willingly their ideas, works and all of that. On the other hand I saw many beautiful works and that was that what planted the seed for quilting. Now, after I moved to Sweden and bough my dear Smarty, I have stated to look more and more about quilting. Now, when I can understand about language and I have found all other world. Today I discovered 3 more pages and I must say, that made me fall in love to Internet. One of the pages even had instructions, so that made me happy. Now, after I have made my two courses at school and will have bit more my time back, I can start to make more things with it. Saw also page where I can buy some more malls and things and have ordered Christmas pattern for quilting, so, it will be interesting. Can't wait until I can start to make some Christmas present, what will be this year bit personal and different compared with other years :) I think, that I like this all more, is that I am not professional sewer, but when I do things, I will put my heart and emotions into it and things have bit of me inside. Also that makes, that all things are not similar, even thought pattern and ideas are the same as perhaps on previous work. In my opinion that makes things also more personal.
Now I will digging back to virtual world and will start to look more things and gather some more idea's :)