Friday, February 4, 2011

Weekend can begin,

It is again Friday and weekend can begin. It feels good, that we can relax bit even thought this will be another weekend, when we are not at home :)

Today afternoon we will go and make a small weekend trip to my soon to be father-in-law. It will be nice to go visit him again, since my dear fiancée has a problem :) It is not a bad, but it is a good problem. Since he holds me more than he holds Tommy and on the other hand, if is very fair, since my family holds Tommy a lot. That shows, that life has some balance. Balance is needed, since it holds all in equal and since we spend more time here in Sweden, then that means, I am spoiled and I really love it.

Hopefully we have more luck with weather, not as it has been today. From snow to snow and all other things between it  :) Just hope that weather will be nice and I could make some pictures outside. On the other hand, we will see, what happens, since we also will go visit my fiancée's best man and his family. It will be nice time and visit. Perhaps we make some more planning for our upcoming wedding and perhaps to changing ideas, might make it more better and better :)

Now, there is time for me to go and pack my bag for weekend, feed Wille and Greta and when go to my small trip :) I wish all of you, have a nice weekend full of good time at home and with family and friends.