Saturday, March 21, 2015

Rock the socks!

In Sweden it has been last two days rock the socks day's. It is to show the world that different is good and different is fun. It is to show the world that we support people who has Down syndrome in worlds Down syndrome day. Meaning was that people had different socks on. 

So, even me had different socks on together with my friends. I think that it was a very good idea what a 10 year old girl started to show support for her older sister who has Down syndrome. Wonderful when family holds together and support each other. 

Yesterday also was another day. Spring started. Same time in the morning it felt like spring had run away from us. It was bit minus degrees outside and snow had came back to us. But not for a very long time. Already in the afternoon it had almost smelted away and sun was out again and warmed up us. 

I tried to make best out of the day and made some spring shopping for our garden. I bought some new flower pots for the garden so that it looks bit more like out. I also bought some pansies and some daffodils so that it would be ready for the Easter holidays. It felt actually really good since after that it was really nice spring afternoon outside. Even thought it was bit cold and windy. Under the sun it was on the same time nice and warm and nothing else matters. 
I know that I love winter but even spring is very nice because all is starting to wake up and it gets nice and green. That is one reason why I love spring. 
In the evening me and my dear husband visited Kristine church and listened a chamber choir Voces had a concert. Nice way to spend hour and half in the evening with good classic music. We decided that we will definitely go even next time they have a concert in May. 
Now it is time for me to rest and to enjoy my evening at home in front of the tv and to look Harry Potter film. 
Have a nice evening and enjoy your day! 