Monday, April 18, 2011

Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,

Attraktionslagen är opersonlig. Den fungerar precis som en fotokopieringsmaskin. Lagen fotokopierar det du tänker och känner i varje ögonblick och skickar dig sedan en exakt kopia av det i retur - som lir till ditt liv. Det gör att du mycket enkelt kan förändra ditt liv.

För att förändra världen utanför dig behöver du bara förändra ditt sätt att tänka och känna, så kommer attraktionslagen att kopiera den förändringen.


Law of Attraction is impersonal. It works just like a photo copier. Law photocopy what you think and feel in every moment and send you an exact copy of it in return - which lir to your life. It lets you very simply can change your life.

In order to change the world outside of you, simply change the way you think and feel, so will the law of attraction to copy the change.

Wedding cake,

My panic is over with wedding cake. Between 2 costumers today, I had time 20 minutes and I thought, that I could go and visit one bakery near by our costumer.
I am happy, that this thing is now solved completely and today evening we are going and paying it as well and when it is all done with it until next Saturday, when they will come and deliver it to our wedding party place.
I want to say big thank you for Malmborgs Konditori, who was willing to squeeze one more wedding cake to their bakeries order list for that day.
First they told, that they already have several orders for that day, but when they called baker out, when she was kind and told, OK, we will take one more order in. So, I am very lucky, at least I feel, that I am very lucky. I have been worried over it for several days, since it feels so in last minute. Now, I feel much more calmer and happy, because this is done now.