From today we have long weekend. It feels good and something what is needed. After long weekend, will be busy time with work, with wedding and many other things.
It has been week full of work, full of preparations for wedding and so on. Today evening, it is first time I feel that I am so tired, that I will fall soon to sleep, but still needing to wait until next napkin ring will be done and when shower and I think I hear how my pillow is calling.
Today has been very productive day even at home. Cleaning at home, cleaning windows, embroider napkin rings for our wedding, making a Easter decorations for my soon to be father-in-law, since tomorrow morning we will take a trip to him and spend couple of days in country side. We will be back at home on Sunday before noon.
It has been else another nice afternoon together with my fiancee. It feels good to spend bit time with him as well and not just say couple of sentences in the morning before we go to work and in the evening, we both are tired to talk much. So, it has been very nice time. I am very happy that he also helps me at cleaning at home. I love him for that.
Now, I think, I will go and take shower and when it will be bed what is calling me.
Sleep well and Good Night!
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,
Det är så viktigt att du är tacksam för allting i ditt liv. Många inriktar sig enbart på det som de saknar och glömmer bort att vara tacksamma för allt de redan har. Utan tacksamhet kan du inte uppnå någonting genom attraktionslagen, för om du inte sänder ut tacksamhet från ditt inre blir det automatiskt så att du sänder ut otacksamhet. Var proaktiv och använd din inre frekvens för att ta emot det du vill ha.
It is so important that you are thankful for everything in your life. Many focus only on what they lack and forget to be thankful for everything they have. Without gratitude you can not achieve anything by the law of attraction, because if you do not send out gratitude from your heart, it automatically so you send out ingratitude. Be proactive and use your internal frequency to receive what you want.
Words of Wisdom
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