Thursday, January 13, 2011

Photo club,

Today is Thursday and every month in second Thursdays are meetings at the local photo club. I have been member of a local photo club in Bankeryd now exactly one year. It feels nice and I really good and interesting. I became a member of a photo club because I like to take photos. I have even once put 2 of my pictures to competition, but I believe that soon I can do it again. Just need to learn bit more and need someone to help me to understand bit more my system-camera what I have, so that I could take more nice and good pictures and not just the average ones :) I want to be good on that.   It is really interesting and to see others who has been taken so nice pictures, what are interesting, nice to look and what are good and teachable.
I also met there today our wedding photographer. She had 3 different books what she had made of different wedding photos she had took. They looked absolutely stunning. I really liked to see them and I was really happy that she will take photos of our wedding. Her taken photos can be seen on her blog.
Now I just have to learn more from the others how should be taken a nice and winning photos :) There is a space to learn :)