Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I have runned again,

Today is a little bit big day for me. Some people would say, what is new on it, or it is nothing, it is not a big distance and so on and on. For me, it is a big day. For me to run almost 1 km without any break or walking, it is big step on my road.
When I came in and started to think, when was a last time, when I could run that kind of trip before without any break or walking, when I could consider, that it must have been, when I was 10-11 years old. So at least more than 20 years ago. Before the longest distance I could run was around 200 m and after that I had to take a stop or walk slowly, for take a pulse down, so when I could run today this distance without any break, I felt little bit proud of myself.
I also have now inaugurated my new shoes I bought in Örebro, when me and my husband had our vacation trip in Sweden 2 weeks ago. I must admit, I could never had dream that I would run one day again and I would really enjoy it as I did it today. I think that even my small black 4-leged friend was surprised, since she just run with me all the way. She even forgot to do her needs. First after we came home, she did the things, why we was out in a first place. Thihi :D
It was good feeling and I know that it was just a beginning for me. Next time for my running trip is not far anymore. It gave me just so much energy and good feelings. I am very happy over me and how far I have come on my road. Not an easy road, but it is my road. Now I am one more step closer towards my goal for much more smaller me.