Thursday, March 31, 2011

Last day of March,

We are again in the end of the month. It is last day in March and already tomorrow starts April. There is only 29 days left for our wedding day, so it comes closer and closer.

Today have been day full of work and during the day, I got sms message that I have got package from DHL to get. I know that it is my embroidery program. I was so happy rest of the day and could not wait until our day ends, so that I could go and get my program.
Now I have it and I am happy. I installed it to computer, and looked a little as well, but did not do yet nothing with it, since I needed to be polite and be with our guest today. Tomorrow on the other hand after day at work, I know where I will be. Behind my new lego.

Now, it is time for me to go to bed. Feel bit tired today but in the end, it has been very nice day. Visited one new potential costumer and got new costumer for cleaning after moving in June.

Sleep well and good night!

Picture of me,

That picture, what I have decided to share is perfect description me today morning. I just loved my pillow today.

Have a nice day!

Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,

Enligt attraktionslagen är vägen till att få bukt med en sjukdom inte att bekämpa den. Om du beslutar dig att kämpa emot en sjukdom kommer du att ha fokus på att bekämpa sjukdomen, och enligt attraktionslagen drar vi till oss det vi ägnar vår uppmärksamhet åt. Lät de läkare du har valt göra sitt arbete, och koncentrera dig på att odla ditt välbefinnande.

Tänk tankar av välbefinnande. Tala om välbefinnande. Och se dig själv helt frisk.

According to the law of attraction is the way to the eradication of a disease not to fight it. If you decide to fight against a disease, you will have a focus on controlling the disease, and under the law of attraction we draw to us what we devote our attention. Let the doctor you've chosen to do their work, and concentrate on cultivating your well-being.

Think thoughts of well being. Talk about welfare. And see yourself completely healthy.