Sunday, November 23, 2014

Just a little bit more,

Today morning I saw, that I have only 2 more kilos left and I am finally in normal weight and BMI according all the calculations. I can't believe that I am on my way to be smaller me after so many years. I could see, that last time I was in normal weight around 26 - 27 years ago. That has been long time for me to fight with my weight. Long and lonely fight. Have been judged a lot during my short life, have missed much in life, because it has made me feel as prisoner in my own mind and body and so much more. Many people I have learned to know under years are quite shallow. Under your eyes, they are one and behind you, it is totally different attitude. In the same time, i must say that I have learned to know some wonderful persons, who are Friends with big F. For those persons I am very happy over to have them in my life and that I have had possibility to learn to know them.

So, 2 more kilos and I have arrived my part milestone. To go my goal, I have still around 15 kilos left. After that I feel I have managed with the one part of hard work. After to come to the end of milestone, it is to keep it. Another hard work, but I hope that I manage it. I feel, that have I manage it so far, when I should manage also this. Time will show, but I am optimistic about all this.
Now, I will see, that will evening bring to me.
Have a nice evening,