Friday, May 3, 2013


Trust is one of the important thing we people are having. To trust someone, means that it feels right to help person, feels right to open us to someone, but also open the door to our life and surrounding people who belongs to our environment.
As it also says, that trust is something man build many years, but it can be broke with just a second. How should we behave when? Should we let people to take advantage of us, if they only want to use us and after that damage us? Should we be kind and let us be taken advantage? How long we should let other to take advantage of us?
It just wakes up a lot of more question marks and seems, that they will just pop-up easily when one question will be answered.
What means trust for one person, might not mean same to another person. Same time for most people trust means, that we trust that person - we tell our secrets, we open ourselves, we let people use our things and so on and on. What happens if the trust is broken? It is actually very easy to break that tiny rope what has been build. How should we go on after the trust is broken? How should we treat other people after we have lost trust for some people?
Yes I know, not all the people are same, but it is not easy to trust others if the things we experience has only showed us, that trust can be broken so easy. Would it be easy to trust again the person who has break the trust bandage? No, it is not. We probably never trust that person again and will never even plan do it!! It is never easy to do it after the small bandage is broken. We can be polite, we can smile and not to cry, but we never open ourselves to that person again.
So, keep the trust you have between each other. It is one of the precious present we can have!
Have a nice evening!

My eyelashes,

In easter time I was in Estonia and visited my family. Some days before I came back home to Sweden, I visited beauty salon and got extensions for my lashes. I have naturally very short ones and who does not love long and nice ones.
Today it was time to go and get filled them with new ones. That is really something I love and like. Makes me feel very good and more beautiful. Makes my self-confidence little bit more better. So next 4 weeks I am happy girl again :)
Have a nice evening.