Friday, March 25, 2011

Liisi Koikson ja Marko Matvere - Tuulevaiksel ööl (Live 2010)

Something very nice and heart warming.

It is Friday evening,..

...and weekend has started. It will be interesting weekend for us. At least tomorrow. Then we have rehearsal at the church. Small planning is at least done now, and we will see, what will happen.

Today, we got also sad news. Our small little sweet Greta is sick. She has got somehow FIP virus. Sad about that virus is, that it ends with death. I hope that we will have our Greta long time with us. Now in next month we will go do vet again, but this time with Wille, since he needs to be checked also about that virus.
Else today has been a nice day. It has been nice and sunny again. Looks like spring will arrive soon to us. The flowers, what I was plant last year to land, has been became nicely out and growing. I really love to have garden. We have so many plans with it.

Today has been in Sweden also waffles day.  I think, most people have been eat here in Sweden the waffles. So did we. Just the last waffle got a long baking time. It was the end of Salt and my dear fiancee forgot it :) It happens :)

In mind has been so many different things. All thoughts are somewhere. Same time arriving spring also and make feel a small tiredness. At least now I can fill mind with good books. Today I got my books what has been written by Paulo Coelho. One of them was also calendar from 2008. Now I am missing just calendar from 2007, 2009 and 2010. So, my small request is, that if someone has any of those calendars and are willing to give them away, I would be very happy, if you would think about it and could help to have them too. I would be very happy over it. He is a wonderful writer. He knows what he is doing. I am very thankful to one woman, who gave me to read one of the books, he had wrote, a years ago. From that book, I started really love his books. Now I have many of his books, but still missing some, but I am sure, once I will have all.

This next quotations will come from Paulo Coelho's books "Eleven minutes":

Everything tells me that I am about to make a wrong decision, but making mistakes is just part of life.
What does the world wane of me?
Does it want me to take risks, to go back where I came from because I didn't have the courage to say "yes" to life?

Nice words and true words. It is right, that we do make decisions. Some are good and some are bad. In the same time when we do make decisions, when we do hurt someone and other ones on the other hand might like them. We can't satisfy everyone all the time. Sooner or later, someone will say that we have hurt them. It is not our intention to do it, but it happens. That is a part of the life.
Now it is time for me to look further a film in TV - Gone in 60 seconds and after that, I will go to bed and read a little my books. Today I think I will choose to read again "The Secret" One of the very good books. I can recommend that book to everyone. It has many things, what makes that we need to think. Gives work for the brain.

Sleep well and Good night!

Helgens visdomsord / Weekend's words of wisdom

Universum går bara att förstå när vi har någon att dela våra känslor med.

The universe can only be understood when we have someone to share our feelings with.

Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom

Var envis , envis, envis och jobba på, så kommer du att nå en punkt när principerna i The Secret blir något självklart och naturligt för dig. Du komme att bli väldigt medveten om vilka ord människor använder, särskilt när de talar om saker de inte vill ha. Du kommer att bli mycket medveten om vilka ord du själv använder.

Att du har nått hit är ett tecken på att du håller på att bli allt mer medveten! Du håller på att bli mer medvetet uppmärksam!

Be stubborn, obstinate, stubborn and work on, you will reach a point where the principles of The Secret is something obvious and natural for you. You will be very aware of what words people use, especially when they talk about things they do not want. You will be very aware of what words you are using.

That you have achieved this success is a sign that you are becoming increasingly aware! You are about to become more consciously aware!