Thursday, March 24, 2011
Soon another week has passed, what has been full of work, happenings and also good time with friends and family. Today has been again a wonderful weather just wind has been quite strong, else when we had coffee after work with Kristi, when our thermometer showed 14 degrees out of sun and warm, but where was not much wind, where actually was also very nice and warm. Last couple of days, have made, that snow has been smelted a lot and flowers, what i had put down, have been start to rise and grow. Hopefully soon I can have first flowers from my own garden. It would will feel both good and will look nice as well.
Today I also fixed my nails after long time. Now they are looking nice and could get already married on this Saturday :) But, we agreed, that before wedding I will call her again and will get my nails made nice :)
Now, after we arrived home, we looked Country challenge at TV, program, where Norway and Sweden challenged each other on winter sport. Today was last program and final. It was sad, that Norway won, but as they say, better luck next time.
Now it is time for me to go to bed. Tomorrow will be trip to Värnamo and after that to Jönköping.
Sleep well and nice dreams!
Just my thoughts
Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom
Här följer en enkel, kraftfull övning som du kan göra varje dag för att komma i harmoni med universum och attraktionslagen.
Sätt dig bekvämt. Börja med att lägga märke till hur du känner di, och slappna av i hela kroppen. När du har slappnat av i hela kroppen, slappna då av lite till. Och slappna av ännu lite mer. Och ännu mer! Upprepa den här djupare avslappningen sju gånger, och slappna av så mycket du kan varje gång. När du är klar, lägg märke till skillnaden i hur du mår jämfört med hur du kände dig när du började.
Nu är du i bättre harmoni med universum och attraktionslagen!
Here is a simple, powerful exercise you can do every day to get in harmony with the universe and the law of attraction.
Sit comfortably. Start by noticing how you feel they, and relax the whole body. Once you have relaxed throughout the body, relax a little more. And relax a little more. And even more! Repeat this deep relaxation seven times, and relax as much as you can every time. When finished, notice the difference in how you feel compared to how you felt when you started.
Now you're in better harmony with the universe and the law of attraction!
Words of Wisdom
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