Sunday, November 15, 2015

Another Sunday,

After almost 7000 m a thread I am done with the most boring work - rolling up all my bobbins. And I do not have a few. I have a lot, so it took some hours, but now it is done and I can start to do, what I want, just me and sewing machine will start to co-operate as well. As it seems not, we do not work together. She does not want to do as I want. hmmmmmmm......
Else, it has been a quiet weekend at home, but also visited one Lions member who turned 85. I hope that I can live at least that old, since so much still to see and to experience and to do. I also visited yesterday my class mate and her family. We had really a wonderful time.
Today we have been all day at home. I wanted to start with Christmas presents for the family, but since me and my sewing machine did not co-operate, I decided to fix all my bobbins, so, that if I fix machine, I can start to make the presents. Take time to me and make something what helps me to relax and not stress me, as the problems after morphine I have got.
I hope that you all have had a wonderful weekend as well, despite what happened on Friday in Paris.