...has began. Last week had passed very fast. I believe that as they say, if you have something to do, when time just flies.
Last week was also mark for ending for vacation and beginning for work as it was before vacation. Those two weeks of vacation just flied. First week we had vacation went to Stockholm and some other things before and from the end of the weekend we started to fix garden, what we continued in second week of our vacation, but rain did it's own work and we could not finish it. Last week also could not do, so we hope, that this week in weekend, weather will be nice and lets us to make some more work in garden.
Last week at work we had quite many works, this week will be same or even bit more, since some costumers will be back from their vacation.
Today after work, me and my dear husband went to fabric shop, so that we could buy some fabric for my cousins newborn baby. After at home I started to sew and embroider first things. It feels so nice to do something personal :) Will see how it ends with things. After they have been sent and arrived to the right person, I will also add pictures to my blog so that you all can see them.
Now, I feel quite tired and will go and find my pillow.
Sleep well and have a nice dreams :)