Friday, March 18, 2011


It is weekend and we can relax a little. Today, even thought, it has not been work day at costumers place, it has been busy and full of work here at home. Started with shoveling snow and after continued with cleaning home. It has been a while, since I cleaned so much home, since else it is my dear fiancée, who cleans home. As he told, He just wants to help me, to that during a week, when I clean at costumers places, when in home, that part I can relax a little.

After, when our home driveway got cleaned up from snow, and home cleaned, we took a drive to recycle central,  and we finished that cleaning action with small coffee and lunch. And just tried to enjoy time together, since it is not everyday, that we are together free and just can spend time together. Must admit, it just feels so good, to be that sometimes.

Now, in the evening we got a visitors. Shared a shepherds pie together. Had a glass of red wine. We could say, that we do not need much. It was off for us :D Just laughed and had so much fun together with my dear friend. Always good to have good time with friends and of course, we are cheap :D Just needing only 1 glass of wine and we have fun :)

Now, we just enjoy the evening and let just hope, that there will be no more snowing, since tomorrow, we will need to go and make candles again. This weekend, both in Saturday and Sunday will be candle making. Next weekend on the other hand, we are off from candle making, but we have rehearsal at church and later meeting with other who are involved with our wedding.
Now, my dear readers, have a nice evening. Soon we will meet again. To be honest, if not before, when already tomorrow, with new words of wisdom :)

Sleep well and sweet dreams.

Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom

Sök efter gåvan i allting, särskilt när du möter något som tycks vara en negativ situation.
Allt som vi drar till oss hjälper oss att växa och utvecklas, vilket innebär att allting i slutänden verkar för vårt eget bästa.

Att slå in på en ny väg och välja en ny riktning kräver nya egenskaper och förmågor, och de här egenskaperna och förmågorna är precis vad vi behöver utveckla för att kunna åstadkomma fantastiska saker i vårt framtida liv.


Find the gift in everything, especially when you encounter something that seems to be a negative situation. All that we draw to us helps us to grow and develop, which means that everything in the end seems for our own good.

To embark on a new path and choose a new direction requires new qualities and abilities, and these qualities and abilities are exactly what we need to develop to be able to achieve great things in our future life.


Here is some pictures what is made todays snowing, just around 30 minutes ago :D


It is Friday morning and it is snowing again. It has been snowing now through all night and early hours in morning. But it has not ended. It does not snow that much right now, as it has been done, but it is still snowing. The weather forecast promises weather like that all day today and nice and sunny weather again tomorrow. Will see what happens.

In the morning, was all public transport canceled only 2 city bus lines was work. Here around us and our home was also chaos. Just after I had waked up I heard how the door was opened and my dear fiancée came in. "Poor" he had waited bus for a while until he realized that no bus are coming. He cleaned way to car and we tried to go to other bus stop but when he got to know, that there are no transportation. So, now he is home and helped me to clean, since due that snowing problem, also we are home, but we have contacted our costumers and will go there in Tuesday instead.

Now, we just need to hope, that soon they will come and clean our street also nice and clean, but as we take usually what and how it has been, when we have to wait until afternoon or so, to get our streets here cleaned up, since the cleaning priority here is not the highest.

So, I hope you all have a nice day and will enjoy the snow :)