Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday evening,

It is Sunday evening and another week will be soon over. One more week has just passed and new is ready to arrive. This week have had so many different things with it and new week will bring more things with and happenings.

This week has been from nice weather up to snow chaos and to sunny weather again. Last two days have been so wonderful and so warm. Feeling like a spring is close to come and push winter away. That is needed, since it would be interesting to see, how all is waking up again and starting to peek out from ground.

Today was another day with candle making. Today, we finished again early and that was not, that we was sent home as it was yesterday. We are just good worker bees. As they say, if everyone knows how and what to do, when it also goes faster. Lunch was an extra ordinary. It tasted good, so now, when I am during a week alone, when I can have good food ;) Feels so good and great.

We also enjoyed a good time with coffee and ice-cream on our terrace again. It is perfect compared with apartment, where we lived before. Now, we can go out and sit out on sun and enjoy cup of coffee. Not as it was in city, where we was locked into an apartment and had even no balcony. Now we don't need to miss that part.

After the coffee I took time to sew again. Since it has been bit busy time and some other things had more and higher priority's, when I could not make a table cloth before. Thank god, that there was still some time :) As they say, better late than never.

Now, we have had good time at home. Spend it together by talking and relaxed. Wille and Greta seems to sleep again somewhere. Greta seems to start to feel better and a live again. Seems, that what was wrong with her, was short term, since it starts to be alive, play more again and run around the house as she is use to. That feels good. Makes me bit less worried.
Now, it is time for me to say good night for everyone. Tomorrow is again new week. Have a nice evening and have a nice beginning of a new week.

Sleep well and Goodnight.

Blueberry cake,

It has been long, since I last was put some of my cakes on my blog. It also was a moment, I was bit away from my blog also with food part and some other things. And to be honest, I had forgot pictures before weekend, but since I made pictures today of the table cloth, when I also saw, that I have more pictures in my camera :) Small brainy  as I am :) But this cake was not very sweet either :) Since I thought that berries are sweet anyway, I did not put much sugar into pie. Result, It needed bit more sugar, since when you cook berries, when they are loosing their sweetness.

Ingredients for pie:
350 g butter
5,5 dl flour
6 sl water
2 tablespoons sugar

Mix all ingredients together for a pastry and press pastry into a cake form and place it to the fridge for 30 minutes.

250 gr strawberries
250 gr blueberries
1 egg
250 gr quark ( Kesella in Sweden)
1 dl sugar
3 table spoons potato flour

Cut strawberries for a pieces and add together with blueberries and add sugar and potato flour. Pour mix top of the pastry. Mix egg and quark and pour over the berries. Bake it 20-30 minutes on 200 degrees.

Table cloth,

Today after candle making, I found my way back to my sewing machine. I was make one table cloth, what will be as present. Since soon is spring here and we can say goodbye to winter, I decided to make a flowers. Flowers are taken from embroidery pattern nr: 162 Blooming Flowers.  Hopefully that present was exactly what was wished. Material is hobby felt and 4 different colors are used for flowers. If someone have interest to have something with that pattern, when you are welcome to contact me and we will find solutions together. Also from the pattern card can be seen, what kind of other patterns that card has.

Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom

Vår lycka och glädje beror på oss själva.


Our happiness depends on ourselves.