Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year,

Finally 2015 has arrived and have been here for 2 and half days. My New Year came among friends and family. I had a good time and good food. What else should we want. It is not big things what matters anyway. It is small things, at least it has been like that for me.
My 2014 was a year, I had not planned for me, but it was as it was. We can't change the past. It has been a year with lot's of feelings, happenings and so many other things. Year, what I would in somehow prefer to forget.
Year started with rehab after car accident in August 2013. In April I had another surgery what made, that I almost lost my life.  Had my husband came earlier to take me home, when I would not have been here today. Somehow someone was looking over me and I am alive today. From the medical papers I asked to get, I saw, that they had cleaned up 4,8 liters blood and it is a lot. A humans has around 6 liters blood in their body. So, the emergency operation was needed and I had to spend so many more days in hospital. Today I am happy that I am alive, since it would have been sad not to me, but to my family and the ones who really care about me. After I came home, the rehabilitation took several months.
In summer I spend some time in Estonia with my family. Got some more medical help, since the surgeon in Sweden was totally incompetent human been.  He did not care how I felt and how the recovery went. Strange human in my opinion. Time with family on the other hand in Estonia was good. Spent time with my small cousin. He has won my heart in so many ways. I am so happy that I have my family in my life and that I have their support. They do not criticize my decisions or thoughts, they support me instead and helping me. In the same time I could help my cousin in her shop and bar. Loved the time I could spend there but it also made that I missed home here and my dog together with my husband.
Back at home, we had vacation together with my husband and Sally in Sweden. Visited Örebro, Karlstad, Trollhättan and some other places. We had our little black dog with us and just enjoyed beautiful Swedish summer. Also took a boat trip on Vättern with Sigrid Storråda with friends and finished evening with good barbeque, lots of fun and just a wonderful time.
In Autumn  had finally my shoulder operation, even thought I had best orthopedist surgeon in Jönköping and he could do so much for my shoulder, it did not have helped me as I was expect. I still have pain in the shoulder, specially when I give some strain on it and I can't lift it as I would like, but at least I am finally morphine free. I am happy that I did not got any side effects, when I was stop to take it. It feels good that now I need to take only strong paracetamol and it takes a bit pain away. More I can't want. It is good enough. Small price to pay to be alive today. I also was very active with Jönköpings Lucia. I think that Lucia tradition in Sweden is one of the most interesting and good tradition. Plus all the nice Christmas songs, what makes people in Jönköping county bit more happier and elderly will get some Christmas spirit. This year it was 16 girls who spread light and happiness to elderly, companies, and public. The best thing is, when we usually have a concert in church for public and in the same time Lucia will be crowned.
During that I had spent some more time in hospital and some weeks before Christmas had another surgery. I think, I had too many surgeries last year, so my plan is, that no surgeries this year. Ok. Last year I also planned only one and had totally 5.
2014 have gave me so many wonderful people in to my life. I am really happy to have had opportunity to get to know them. Kind, supporting and fantastic personalities. We have had lots of laughter moments, but also sad moments, when we had to say goodbye to one of our friend.   It also has been a year, when I have lost some of the persons. That has been their choice and that has been mean that those persons has not been true friends. Especially one. After things did not went like she liked and I just did not follow as I am used to, when we was not more worth to be known anymore as her friends. She is quite similar to another person, who we have been known. That also means, that we have closed company down and are finishing the last things. Will see how this will end, since I do not afraid anymore to say my own opinion. Since the car accident and the unsuccessful operation I have changed a lot. I do not afraid to say my opinion and stand for myself. That feels strange for me, but I really like it. That also has been beginning to new me. I have lost under 2014 almost 52 kg. I have cut my long hair and I am happy. Even thought it is on my half road and I plan to continue it on 2015. I have still 18-20 kg to my goal weight, so my hard work to my goal is still on and after that will start another hard work, to keep it, since I gave just one promise to my self. I will never be again so big as I have been or have been before all this road started. My health has became better after this minus 52 kilos. I do not need anymore my blood pressure medicine, my asthma medicine has not be used as often as it was used before. All this has been worth my long rocky road. Of course, it is expensive to my moneybag, since all clothes I had in closet has became too big and I have needed to buy some more new ones. I have just never could bought so small size. Hopefully on the end of my road, I can have even more smaller size than 40 and 42. Depends on material and cut.
It also was a year, when I have taken long time to make some handcraft. Mostly for the recovery I needed after my surgeries, but also my shoulder. So, this year I plan to make some more handcraft as I did last year. As I told. I have no plan to have any more surgeries. Plan to have quiet year in that front.
In summer I will be finished my education. Hopefully after that I can find a work I like. Perhaps take some other courses. Will see what year will have for me. I just hope, that it will be little bit more my friendly year than 2014. On the other hand, I was need that year as well. Now I understand, what is important in this life and who is important in my life and to whom I am important.
I am really thankful for all my family but also to all the friends, who still have me in their life. Thank you for supporting me on 2014. I am really happy over to have you in my life and I hope that we can have in 2015 much more laughing times and good times together.

Have a nice evening,