Monday, April 11, 2011

How to keep marriage...

Today, I got a mail from my friend about how to keep good marriage. Since it is originally in Estonian, then I will put it also to English, so that everyone else, who does not speak or read Estonian, could also understand it.

Here is 4 things if you want to build a good marriage that can withstand in time, the following must be done continuously:
1 Become your own success. If the accused is the spouse, do not stand You never honestly confronted him or change his behavior. Wow! Relationships are not a dumping ground. Happiness is a result of internal operations, it is clear evidence of healthy self-esteem and develop relationship with God. 
2 Be a friend. Have you noticed how easily we accept friends as they are, but can not do the same for the person you married? Watch out, familiarity often produces contempt. Is your lead is not at least deserve the same respect, loyalty, patience, gratitude, and evaluation as the other?
3 Set common goals. You always need something to act on behalf of and with the schedule. It enriches the relationship and raise the next level. What is your new goal? 
4 Be bold. Dr. Theodore Rubin said: "The problem is that there are problems but that we expect others, we think the problem is that there is a problem!" Live situations are not perfect. Everyone has the courage needed to face the challenges of any kind, to understand the things you can not solve, it is possible to love more than to live and suffer. So even today, in your marriage!

Kui soovid rajada hea abielu, mis peab vastu ka ajahambale, tuleb pidevalt teha järgnevat.
1.Ole ise oma õnne sepp. Kui süüdistad vaid abikaasat, ei seisa Sa kunagi endaga ausalt silmitsi ega muuda oma käitumist. Ohhoo! Suhted ei ole prügimägi. Õnn on sisemise töö tulemus, see tuleneb elutervest enesehinnangust ja arenevast suhtest Jumalaga.
2.Ole sõber. Kas oled tähele pannud, kui kergesti aktsepteerime sõpru sellistena nagu nad on, ometi ei suuda teha sama inimesega, kellega abiellusime? Vaata ette, familiaarsus tekitab tihtipeale põlgust. Kas Su kaasa pole ära teeninud vähemalt samasugust respekti, lojaalsust, kannatlikkust, tänulikkust ja hindamist nagu teised?
3.Seadke ühised eesmärgid. Teil on alati tarvis midagi koos plaanitseda ja selle nimel tegutseda. See rikastab suhet ning tõstab selle uuele tasandile. Mis on teie uueks eesmärgiks?
4.Olge julged. Dr Theodore Rubin on öelnud: "Probleem pole selles, et on probleeme, vaid selles, et ootame muud, mõtleme, et probleemide olemasolu on probleem!" Elus ei ole täiuslikke olukordi. Igaühel on tarvis julgust, et seista silmitsi millega tahes, mõistmaks, et asju, mida Sa ei suuda lahendada, on võimalik armastuses üle elada ja välja kannatada. Seepärast tegele ka täna oma abieluga! 

Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,

När det gäller kärleksrelationer tror människor ofta att de vill ha en viss, speciell person. Men när de tänker lite djupare på saken är det inte den speciella personen de vill ha. Vad de egentligen vill är att vara underbart lycklig med den perfekta personen. Trots det försöker de tala om för universum VEM den personen är. Om universum inte levererar just denna person innebär det att budskapet från universum är tydligt och klart: "Jag har precis tittat tjugo år framåt i tiden och den lycka du förtjänar skulle inte kunna uppstå i just den här relationen."

Vad är det dom gör att vi tror att vi vet mer än den som kan se allt?

When it comes to love relationships, people often think that they want a certain, special person. But when they think a little deeper on the matter, it is not the special person they want. What they really want is to be wonderfully happy with the perfect person. Despite this, they try to tell the universe who the person is. If the universe does not deliver this particular person, it means that the message from the universe is clear: "I have just looked twenty years in time and the happiness you deserve would not arise in this particular relationship."

What are they doing that we think we know more than that can see everything?