Tuesday, March 15, 2011


And again it is evening. Soon it is my dear pillow, what is waiting for me, so that I can fall to sleep. Today, has been busy day for me, but still I managed to finish all my flowers for curtain, what was planned. So tomorrow I will sew them on curtain and will put up my kitchen curtain. It needs a touch of spring.
As to talk about touch of spring, when inside I have a little. Last time, when we visited my fiancées father, my fiancée cut the cherry tree and I took  some cherry tree branches at home. Now they have start to bloom with nice light pink flowers and together with tulips, it feels like spring is inside. Let us just hope that soon it would be also outside as well.
Today we visited again Swedish employment agency about to hear possibility to have trainees at out company on period we would like to have vacation or now, when I am getting married. Last year agency had believe on Us and we got support from employment agency and government. Now we would like to give same possibilities to someone else as well via employment agency.
Also we have visited a new costumer. It is always nice to hear, that someone else has recommended us, that we have made good job. It feels so good, I think and believe. So, in the middle of April, we have one work to do more. But it feels so good. It also shows, that we grow and grow :)

Now in the evening, I was in one home party, where was introduced Aloe Vera products. I ordered myself 2 things, one Aloe Vera gelly at home and one face moisturizer. Else their selling system is similar to Amway, only as I was understand right, you will get your own log ins to their intra net after you have been in the system for 3 months. One thing what I can say positive about Amway's products, that, they also think about home care, like dish washing,  home cleaning and so on, but also laundry. Else both have that products are based on nature friendly and environment friendly materials and most things are taken from nature and will not damage nature, if they get back there.

Now, my dear readers, it is time for me, to see, what my dear fiancée is doing and see, why my small cat lady is so sad and just cries. Tomorrow, we need to talk with vet and see what they suggest about it.

Sleep well and Sweet dreams.

Embroidery flowers

Last days I have been making new curtains to kitchen for us. Curtains self are done for now and it is turn to make flowers for the curtain. A bit time ago I bought a new pattern for my embroidery machine, Blooming Flowers and I have made some table cloths from it before, but now it is time to make some 3D flowers for curtain. First 15 are here now :)

Soon, when all curtain is done, I will put more pictures up. 
Have a nice day.

Tuesday Morning,

Out side is a wonderful and sunny weather. It has been some days again, where it has been cloudy and cold., but as soon as sun comes out, it feels like spring is a step closer, when it is used to be.
Until so far things have been as they have. Have been ups and downs, have been tears and laugh. All as the life goes.
Today is free day from work, but there are so many other things what will need to be done, what can be made today and in every free moment, my dear embroidery machine is working, since 15 more flowers and my flowers for kitchen curtain is done and soon I can put my new kitchen curtain up, what should let some more spring in, since the colors are bit living. Just what is right now needed.
Else about other things what has been happened, I will take about that later. Now, I will make some more flowers since first one is out of machine and new one is ready to go.
Have a nice sunny and warm spring day and we meet soon again.