Saturday, August 27, 2011

Water medium,

Yesterday I got my membership in one of the gym's in Jönköping. Today I was already use it and had my first pass.
When I lived in Estonia, I went to water aerobics and I missed after I moved to Tallinn and later here in Sweden. I felt good there. Beginning of the week I saw the commercial on street about water zumba and I thought to investigate it bit more. On Thursday evening I made my mind up and signed up for a membership over the Internet. Friday late morning I got phone call from Atlantis Spa and they asked me, when I could meet with them, so that they could show me bit around and I could get my membership card as well as my present. I made appointment for that introduction meeting already same day and agreed that I could start with training already in Saturday, since I saw on the meeting that there was opening for water training for today.
Today morning at 11 I was on my first training and I was so exited, because one thing I am really sure and that is, I love the water. So, into the pool and training started shortly after that as well. Since it was first time for me in that gym and training class, was I bit unsure what I need to take, that made also me to forget my water bottle in my locker.

Trainer was very helpful in the morning. She gave me two dumbbells and I was ready. It was actually quite interesting. Some things was familiar for me from Estonia, most things was new. In some reason and somehow I got some energy and started to feel after training myself bit better again. I think that might be one thing, what I have missed and not even thought of that, but my unconscious did think about it. Now I hope that soon I will feel again as old me.

Today's training was really good and I just enjoyed it. It was exactly what I needed to start again with my trainings. Tomorrow will be new training in the morning and different class. Will see, what that will bring with it :) Already very curious and can't wait time to go further, so that it would be time to go to train again :)