Thursday, June 19, 2014

Happy girl,

Yesterday it was an happy day for me. In so many ways I feel that it has been my day even thought for some people that does not mean much at all.
Since last year in august I have felt sad and down more or less every day. So many things have been happened since then. A lot of tears has been run.
Yesterday I had again tears running. For a first time it was from happiness. For over 20 years I have fight with overweight. It has always been hard to find a clothes what have fit precisely and from size 48 since I was teenage and later even bigger. Last 10 years I have had size 52/54. Yesterday when I was in Borås I visited one shop. An ordinary shop, what had clothes up to size 46. My eyes found one blouse, what had nice colors and would have been perfect just for summer. When I saw size I thought that it is not even worth to try. That size would never fit me. I saw another item and felt the same. I was close to get out of shop then there came that, I should try. Else I would be sad and will tear my brain small pieces if I do not know the answer.
So I did. i tried both of the blouses. The result was that I bought them both. I would never could dream that I in one day can fit in size 40. One of them was in stretch material but another was not. When I had the last one on, then I just started to cry in fitting room. Those tears was happy tears. Owner of the shop came and asked am I ok and I explained her why I had tears. She told me, that this bought will be as present for my self after all this fight with my weight. Those 2 pieces is a memory for my happy day and she is right. It is an happy day for a happy girl. For a girl, who can fit a blouse in size 40. There will never be more bought in size 52/54 or bigger. It was make me very happy and hopefully there will come more those kind of days.
