Thursday, March 31, 2011
Last day of March,
We are again in the end of the month. It is last day in March and already tomorrow starts April. There is only 29 days left for our wedding day, so it comes closer and closer.
Today have been day full of work and during the day, I got sms message that I have got package from DHL to get. I know that it is my embroidery program. I was so happy rest of the day and could not wait until our day ends, so that I could go and get my program.
Now I have it and I am happy. I installed it to computer, and looked a little as well, but did not do yet nothing with it, since I needed to be polite and be with our guest today. Tomorrow on the other hand after day at work, I know where I will be. Behind my new lego.
Now, it is time for me to go to bed. Feel bit tired today but in the end, it has been very nice day. Visited one new potential costumer and got new costumer for cleaning after moving in June.
Sleep well and good night!
Just my thoughts
Picture of me,
That picture, what I have decided to share is perfect description me today morning. I just loved my pillow today.
Have a nice day!
Just my thoughts
Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,
Enligt attraktionslagen är vägen till att få bukt med en sjukdom inte att bekämpa den. Om du beslutar dig att kämpa emot en sjukdom kommer du att ha fokus på att bekämpa sjukdomen, och enligt attraktionslagen drar vi till oss det vi ägnar vår uppmärksamhet åt. Lät de läkare du har valt göra sitt arbete, och koncentrera dig på att odla ditt välbefinnande.
Tänk tankar av välbefinnande. Tala om välbefinnande. Och se dig själv helt frisk.
According to the law of attraction is the way to the eradication of a disease not to fight it. If you decide to fight against a disease, you will have a focus on controlling the disease, and under the law of attraction we draw to us what we devote our attention. Let the doctor you've chosen to do their work, and concentrate on cultivating your well-being.
Think thoughts of well being. Talk about welfare. And see yourself completely healthy.
Words of Wisdom
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
And he is...
... back at home. I am so happy over it. The bed feels half empty, when he has not slept there, but I do understand, that we all need to make work and I got a nice present so, I can't complain that much.
Today has been a nice day. At least, when we talk about weather. Nice, warm and sunny.
In the morning we had also some work and in afternoon we visited our new costumers. We signed under for 2 new contracts and both are for 1 year. Tomorrow, it might be, that costumers sister will contact us as well.
I also got today new pattern. Now I can make a nice napkin rings. That feels so good. My idea is also, that I will make that kind of napkin rings for our wedding dinner. My dear fiancee got idea about, that it could be nice, if costumers will take each his/hers napkin rings with them as a small memory of our wedding. That I felt was a nice idea. In my opinion they are looking very nice and beautiful and are giving a color for the table.
Now, we have talked a little with my dear fiancee. Just relaxing a little and soon it will be time to find a pillow, since tomorrow will be a long day again.
Sleep well and Good night.
Just my thoughts
Napkin ring,
Today I got new pattern. Now I also can make napkin rings, what are home made and can be that color as you want. So, if you are interested to have a nice daisy's in your table, you are welcome to contact me and we can discuss about different materials and colors.
Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,
Hur känns det att vara i harmoni med Universum?
Det är samma känsla som när du flyter på vatten. Om du är spänd. eller om du gör motstånd mot vattnet, kommer du att sjunka. Om du överlämnar dig åt vattnet kommer det att bära upp dig och du kommer att flyta. Det är så det känns, och det är så du kan harmonisera dig med universum.
Släpp alla spänningar och flyt!
How does it feel to be in harmony with the Universe?
It's the same feeling as when you are floating on the water. If you are tense. or if you resist the water, you will sink. If you abandon yourself to the water, it will bear you up and you will float. That is how it feels, and it is so you can harmonize yourself with the universe.
Release all tension and float!
Words of Wisdom
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Tuesday evening,
It is just couple of days more in this month and when we can welcome a new month. Time just flies and flies.
Today morning, it was not my day. It did not start as I wanted, but I must admit, it ended much better, when I was except to end. During a day had happen so many nice things and I want to thank Kristi, Marek and my dear fiancée for that. They did help it, to turn nice.
After I had sad and not easy morning, I went to city. Started with Huskvarna, since I wanted to go in fabric shop, so that I could buy some more green fabric, that I can make 4 new place-mats for our home. Last time we was 6 persons and I had 4 new place-mats. I want to have 12 totally, so 8 I need to make more. Only those will be bit different as the others was. I thought to make group of 4 placement mats so that we have a small variation, when we are only few, and to have same color, when we are more than 4. It will be nice to have something, what will be self handmade. It makes home more to feel our home. I also bought a material for napkins, so that I could too some of those also. Now I have something to do again. Soon it will be time to sew my summer set, now I have all fabric for it. Just want to make things for wedding before. They have a small priority then my summer set. After fabric shop, I visited our beloved Home shop. I wanted to buy some green thread and some 2 other colors more, so that I can use bit more, dark green, but also to start to make flowers for wedding table. After that it till be napkin rings, what needs to be done.
Later, when Kristi's meeting was done, I went to coffee at her place. We talked about many things and also shared our happiness for that we have got one more private costumer and we have got one more companies costumer. That feels good and makes us happy. That also shows, that our company grows.
Later we took small visit to Jönköping. Looked some shoes, what should I have for my wedding and had lunch at our favorite coffee house. As usually, we went and visited also one of the handcraft shop. It ended, that I bought a new lace pattern. That means, from now on, I can make my own lace. Small peek, what kind of patterns there are, can be founded here.
Later I came home fast. It was not planned. Plan was, that I will meet my step-brother in Jönköping, but he had some issues on the road and in the end, he came for dinner in our home and before 10, he was on the road again. It was so nice to see him again. We met last time in last summer. So, almost a year have passed, after our last meeting.
Now I will go find my bed. Have got new book today home and I am waiting to read it, since the previous book - The Secret - was really good. Now it is time to read "The Secret - The Power" and soon I need to fall to sleep. Tomorrow will be new day and work needs to be done.
Sleep well and Good night!
There is nowhere you need to go to find God, for God is within you. There is no one you need ask if you are good enough, for He has already established that He is Exceedingly well pleased. There is no one you need to look for victory, except the One who has risen within you.
Just my thoughts
It feels like today is not my day. Even thought, that I have been tried to think good and positive thoughts, I have tried to make different things already from the morning, it feels like I miss something, that things are not going as I want and so on. What should we do, when we feel so? What should we do, when we feel sad inside, but there does not come anymore tears? What we should do, if we feel broke inside? And more questions just rising up, but no answers will follow to them.
Today in some reason, feels like here is a big hole inside me, a big lack of energy is missing. But it is just how I feel already in the morning. All long day is ahead of us... How far it will go... What will happen next...
Just my thoughts
Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,
Kärleken är den högsta kraften vi besitter för att leva i fullkomlig harmoni med attraktionslagen. Ju mer kärlek vi känner, desto större kraft har vi. Ju mer osjälvisk kärlek vi känner, desto mer omätlig är vår kraft.
Attraktionslagen har kallats för kärlekslagen, eftersom själva lagen är en kärleksgåva till mänskligheten. Det är med hjälp av den här lagen som vi kan skapa ett fantastiskt liv.
Ju mer kärlek vi känner, desto större blir den kraft som hjälper oss att skapa ett storslaget liv, ett liv i kärlek, glädje och harmoni.
Love is the highest power we possess to live in perfect harmony with the law of attraction. The more love we feel, the more power we have. The more unselfish love we feel, the more immense is our strength.
Law of Attraction has been called the love of the law because the law itself is a love gift to humanity. It is through this law that we can create an amazing life.
The more love we feel, the greater the force that helps us to create a magnificent life, a life of love, joy and harmony.
Words of Wisdom
Monday, March 28, 2011
I love you,
When we love, it is not necessary to understand what is happening outside, because everything begins to happen inside us instead.
Just my thoughts
Home alone,
From today until to Wednesday evening I will be home alone. It will not be as drastic home alone being as Kevin had it in Home Alone 1, 2 and 3 :) My dear Bamse went to Skellefteå. But, he will be back home already on Wednesday evening.
Today it has been day full of work. As it is often, that it is very hard to wake up on Monday mornings after weekend and we have had very nice weekend. After work, we had cup of coffee with Kristi in our new favorite coffee place. We enjoyed nice and sunny weather outside. After we both had got some sun to face. Hopefully tomorrow will be same nice weather.
Today's post was bring me also small surprise. I got my scarf for wedding dress. Now I will need to think, will I have cloves to it as well or not. That will be small question of a day. At least scarf looked very nice for the dress. I just hope that we both will enjoy our day.
Now in the evening I have just relaxed bit. Have been spoiling my small Greta and gave her and also to Wille some wet food and also their own food. Now one sleeps other sofa and Greta next to me. Talk about unconditional love. Animals are not stupid at all.
Now I am looking news. It looks sad, that there needs to be war in the world. They talked that NATO has asked today officially from Sweden about will they be with NATO against fight for Libya. Gaddafi has been ruler over Libya for 42 years. Does he not understand, that world has been changed a lot with those past 42 years. The country needs to have changes, especially in the politics to get fresh view, what happens around and what might make better living conditions for country's population. Hopefully soon will be piece and changes also in Libya, because most who gets hurt are children and innocent people.
Tomorrow we have no work at costumers place, but that does not mean, that we don't do some work as well. One thing, what we will do is to have small coffee, I also have to give our tax declaration papers to Kristi together with driving kilometers, what we drove with our private car before we bought companies car and after we bought companies car. It will be at least a little. First papers I got, was good ones :) I suppose to get some money back, but that was without our companies earnings and information of outgoings. We hope, that we have been good and that we will get still something back :) A dreams and hopes dies last ;)
Now, I will finish my text for today. I feel still sad and think a good book will help me to not to be that sad anymore.
Sleep well and good night!
Just my thoughts
Veckans visdomsord / Weeks words of wisdom,
Världens kraft måste ständigt förnyas.
Kroppen och själen behöver nya vägar för att förenas på ett harmoniskt sätt.
World's force must be constantly renewed.
The body and soul need new ways to unite in a harmonious way.
Words of Wisdom
Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,
Det faktum att du börjar ställa frågor om livet är ett tecken på att du är nära ett riktigt genombrott.
Sanningen om livet finns tillgänglig för alla, precis som den alltid har gjort, men bara de som ställer frågor får svar och upptäcker sanningen. När vi ställer frågor och hyser en djup önskan om att vi får svar, då kommer vi att dra till oss svaren i en form som vi kan förstå.
För att få svar i livet, måste du börja ställa frågor.
The fact that you start to ask questions about life is a sign that you are close to a real breakthrough.
The truth about life is available to all, just as it always has done, but only those who ask questions get answers and discover the truth. When we ask questions and harbors a deep desire that we get a response, then we will draw to us the answers in a form that we can understand.
To find the answers in life, you have to start asking questions.
Words of Wisdom
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Sometimes happiness is a blessing, but generally, it is a conquest. Each day's are magic moment helps us to change and sends us off in search of our dreams.
We have arrived last Sunday in March. Just 4 days left of that month and we arriving to April. Hopefully April will bring real spring with, since seems, that March do not know, what spring is. For a second time, in past 10 days it has brought snow with it. At least today, it has been less snow than it was last Friday.
Today stated also summertime. We turned our clock's one hour ahead. I used to have hard time with it. After Denmark, I got a easy system to know how it works. In every spring, when we will put garden furniture out, we turn clock one hour ahead and every autumn when we take garden furniture back in, we turn clock one hour back. Easy system, what made it easy for me to remember. We forgot that. We woke up as usually. But we just laid on bed and just enjoyed the long morning. We do not do it often. That was after long time again just one morning. Even Greta had long lazy morning.
Today is also my dear brothers birthday. He turned 30. I could not spend time with him today, but I have talked with him over the phone and sent greeting also to my brother via Facebook. I hope he had good day and that he enjoyed it.
Our plum tree got also cut down a little. At least part of it. Part of it went to neighbors garden, but my dear man went and got it out of there. Now, it should now make much trash to their garden. Now we have some more works, what is needing to be done at the garden. Biggest is that we need to put some more land there and make it nicely equal. I hope only that today's snowing does not kill my nice flowers away, what have put their nose up from underground. It would be sad, since I hope to see many tulips and other flowers what I was put down last autumn after we moved to our home.
My sweety have also packed his luggage what he will take with him to his business trip. I think Wille wants to go with him and not stay home with me, since he had hide himself to his suitcase. Will see, will I have tomorrow evening his company or not. Time will show it. At least I will have our sweet Greta with me ;)
Else, we have made some small things at home and just tried to relax bit and enjoyed time together. Next couple of nights I will sleep alone and when soon it will come again time, when I will be all whole week alone.
Now, I want to wish you all sleep well and good night. We will meet again tomorrow my dear readers.
Sleep well and good night!
Just my thoughts
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