Saturday, April 30, 2011
Morning of our wedding day,
Finally it has arrived. Months of planning and last weeks and days full of hard work, has become to end. Today is our wedding day. Clock have been rang and woke us up, so all can began. My fiancée went to city to get my hair styler, so soon I will start with it. Now I feel bit more stressed, but that stress, feels different, compared, what I have felt before this week. During a week, I thought, will we be done with all preparations. Late last night, most things we were done, just some small things are left for today.
Today seems that father Weather, have been nice to me and that I am thankful. Already 5 o'clock in the morning sun is shining.
Now, I will go make some coffee for me. I will need it.
Have a nice day!
Just my thoughts,
Our Wedding
Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,
Hat existerar inte som en egen kraft. Hat är helt enkelt bara frånvaron av kärlek, precis som mörker är frånvaron av ljus. Fattigdom är frånvaron av välstånd, sjukdom är frånvaron av hälsa och sorg är frånvaron av glädje. All negativitet är helt enkelt frånvaron av något positivt.
Det här är mycket, mycket bra att veta.
Hatred does not exist as a separate force. Hat is simply the absence of love, just as darkness is the absence of light. Poverty is the absence of wealth, disease, lack of health and sadness is the absence of joy. All negativity is simply the absence of something positive.
This is very, very good to know.
Words of Wisdom
Friday, April 29, 2011
Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,
Om du vill dra till dig mer pengar, skriv ner vad du ska köpa för pengarna. Omge dig med bilder på de saker du skulle vilja ha och behåll känslan av att ha de här sakerna nu. Föreställ dig att du delar med dig av dem till dina nära och kära och föreställ dig hur glada och lyckliga de blir.
Titta, nu skapar du!
If you want to attract you more money, write down what to buy for the money. Surround yourself with pictures of the things you would like to have and keep the feeling of having these things now. Imagine that you share them with your loved ones and imagine how excited and happy they are.
Look, now you create!
Words of Wisdom
Last day of preparations for our wedding,
Tomorrow will be big day for us. It will be time for us to say I do. Hmm :) Hopefully it will work.
Today has been again another long day and there has been not much time to eat anything. Now my beloved fiancée is preparing us something to eat, that we will not fall together before tomorro.
Today morning started for me with small trip to work. Had to clean at one place in Värnamo. After that, it was time with wedding preparations.
First was home and back things to car, so that my dear could take a trip to party place and I used time for cleaning our home. One eye was on TV as much as possible, since there was The Royal Wedding, and who does not like that :) Prints William got her Kate. Tomorrow I will get my Prints.
After all things was taken up, I went also and big work with party place could begin. Tables to place, place all things, from knives to glasses. Also snacks and drinking things.
Later was time to go make small shopping of flowers, I got my memory card for the camera, we left our bags to hotel and after that was time for me and my Maid of honor to fix our nails.
Later when this was done, we ironed our clothes and my wedding dress and we went to finish last things on party place.
Now it will be bit food and soon bed. Tomorrow my hair styler comes at 6 and make up will be done by 10 after that. Yeah, after that I will need help with my wonderful dress.
Sleep well and Good Night!
Today has been again another long day and there has been not much time to eat anything. Now my beloved fiancée is preparing us something to eat, that we will not fall together before tomorro.
Today morning started for me with small trip to work. Had to clean at one place in Värnamo. After that, it was time with wedding preparations.
First was home and back things to car, so that my dear could take a trip to party place and I used time for cleaning our home. One eye was on TV as much as possible, since there was The Royal Wedding, and who does not like that :) Prints William got her Kate. Tomorrow I will get my Prints.
After all things was taken up, I went also and big work with party place could begin. Tables to place, place all things, from knives to glasses. Also snacks and drinking things.
Later was time to go make small shopping of flowers, I got my memory card for the camera, we left our bags to hotel and after that was time for me and my Maid of honor to fix our nails.
Later when this was done, we ironed our clothes and my wedding dress and we went to finish last things on party place.
Now it will be bit food and soon bed. Tomorrow my hair styler comes at 6 and make up will be done by 10 after that. Yeah, after that I will need help with my wonderful dress.
Sleep well and Good Night!
Just my thoughts,
Our Wedding
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Full speed with wedding preparations Part 2,
Now our wedding is not very far anymore. It is just over the hills and when it will be Saturday and all that will happen.
After that our everyday life will turn back to ordinary one. Just the difference will be, that we are married and have same last name.
As I said before, today has been in full speed as well. Many things have been done and tomorrow many more things will be done.
Today morning started with small light breakfast and when I needed to go visit health center and have my asthma check up. It went as usually it have been went lately here. Only difference is, in Estonia it will be doctor you go visit not the nurse and after that you need to wait several weeks before you get phone contact, not eye contact with a doctor. But that is other story.
When I arrived home, I took cup of coffee, since that was missed from morning. Lately I feel, I needed to wake up :)
Since I saw, that one corner of my left eye missed bit lash extensions, when I messaged to the girl, who was put them for me and I went to fix it. Before we thought that we can visit Sörgården, our wedding party place, but that was closed, so we was not that lucky.
So, we went to city. My fiancée had to post some letters and I was waited to get my eyelash fixed. It went fast. And now, they both look nice and also equal. I really love those extensions. They make my eyes very beautiful.
When all this was done. Our big shopping trip started. First we decided to buy snacks and some alcohol free soda for all drinks. Next stop was Systembolaget in A6. After we went to check out, when people, who stood behind us just laughed over the amount of alcohol, what we bought from there. Only one thing they did not have and that was one of the most important drink :D Smirnoff on Ice. We went through Systembolaget in city center and I got a whole one box of it :) Now I have something to share with me :D And if my maid-of-honor is lucky, I will share it with her too :P It must mean, there must be something left :)
We also visited the hotel and checked that our reservation is there and we asked, could we leave our luggage there tomorrow, so that in Saturday, we do not have to think about that too. They was very king for us, and we can go tomorrow through hotel and leave our bags there.
After shopping trip and on our way to home, we thought, we give one more try to visit Sörgården. This time we was lucky. We could visit it. It was open. We was put some of the alcohol away to there and looked how the table looks out, so that we could think, how we will make our table arrangement.
So, back at home, we started to plan. Must say, it was and is not one of the easiest parts of the wedding preparations. That is hard. So now we have changed that several times. After that my brain was finished and we went to Jönköping for a small trip, so that I could take some pictures, but also we could relax a little and get fresh air so that our brains would work more again.
Next thing we did, was fold all songbooks for wedding. That is not much, but little work. I also wrote name tags for out guest, what we will put to their glass, so they would know, there they will sit, but also that they would later could mark their glasses when they will walk around for a talk with other guests.
After all that was done, we made some food and changed some more planning on sitting.
Now I have finished my garter. It looks nice and also my own made. I was almost close to forget it. After that I started to embroider a napkin ring, tomorrow I will finish and thanks for the Kristi, they will be all done for the wedding. If she would not had helped me, when I would had been missed a lot of them. Now, I just only will need to make 3 more , no 2,5 more and all is done and ready for use. They will be left for guests later as a memory from our wedding.
I also packed my bag for wedding night at hotel. So that I could use some ordinary clothes on Sunday :)
Now, I think, time for me to find my pillow. Tomorrow will come again very long day. Starting with breakfast and when it will be trip to Värnamo. After that, more wedding preparations.
Have a nice evening and sleep well.
Just my thoughts,
Our Wedding
Now I have started to feel very stressed and also nervous. It is strange, that I feel nervous. In principle I should not feel like that, we both have been married once before,w hen we was young and beautiful :D Now we are just young. OK, I am young and I am getting married with my oldy :D
It has been again day of work with preparations and so on. It has been made me bit stressed up, so we decided to make a small trip to city, so that I could calm bit my nerves and make some pictures. Here will come some. I have not had time to work with them, here are they just as they came out from camera.
Just my thoughts,
Our Wedding
Full speed with wedding preparations,
Yesterday was full speed with wedding preparations. Day started for us quite early and ended quite late. Hopefully in the end, it will be good and things are done. Will see.
Yesterday was day full of runs and things in the City and home, and city and home and so on. I think I spent a lot time also in car. Lucky for me, that it was not so long distances, but in the end, I asked my dear fiancée to drive, since I felt, that I was tired of it and that does not happen very often, since I love to drive with the car.
The morning started with cleaning fast garage, since repairmen came this week to fix our garage.
After that my day towards city started.
First stop was in hair salon in Hovslätt. My eyebrows was need to make nice. Now they are. Looks perfect for my wedding and she made them very nice. It is not often, I am that happy over end result, since usually they have been made very thin. This time they also fit with my face type.
After that I continued my road to city and met with Gerli. Together we went and I got my underskirt for my wedding dress. Now it will look perfect. And I am loving it.
Next stop for us was in shoe shop and there we met also Kristi. She needed new shoes for my wedding. The ones she had liked from beginning and wanted to buy, had not her size, so it ended, that she took other ones, but they looked very pretty too. Fitted well with her dress I will think :)
After that we left Gerli and went to buy a new embroidery thread, since Kristi was kind to help me with my last missing 18 napkin rings. I have my machine at service and lucky for me, we both have same kind of embroidery machine. When thread was bought, we went to visit our costumer, since we will start at their place with cleaning on Monday. It is always good to visit them. They smile always and are happy and that makes us also more full of energy.
Later, we decided, that hmm, now we need some food. We both had got hungry and had not much for breakfast. So, that was need to be fixed, else, we would be mad :D Since we needed food and we needed it right that moment.
From lunch, I ran to get my eyelash extensions. After that I looked beautiful. I felt honestly like a woman. I told even to my future husband to be, that this is one thing I want to hold even after the wedding. They looked very nice and she made very good work. Next time I will go and let her to put the filling.
After that I run home, to take all my things home and get one bite coffee, since when it was time for go and have try for my wedding make up. Sara made wonderful work. It looked stunning and I looked nice and beautiful in the end result. My fiancée told that I have not looked that nice for a very long time. He liked what he saw and that made me more happy.
On the way home I picked up my love and we went to print out the program for church and small songbook for wedding dinner and left them to our host couple. It was short and nice visit. We will not meet with them, than first in church on Saturday afternoon.
Later we was so tired for make food, so, we decided to drive through drive-in in Max burger and got something from there with us. Eated it at home and just tried to relax bit.
After that it was more preparations at home and when in finally in midnight it was bed what called us, since tomorrow/today was already arrived and a lot more things need to be done with waked time.
Yesterday was day full of runs and things in the City and home, and city and home and so on. I think I spent a lot time also in car. Lucky for me, that it was not so long distances, but in the end, I asked my dear fiancée to drive, since I felt, that I was tired of it and that does not happen very often, since I love to drive with the car.
The morning started with cleaning fast garage, since repairmen came this week to fix our garage.
After that my day towards city started.
First stop was in hair salon in Hovslätt. My eyebrows was need to make nice. Now they are. Looks perfect for my wedding and she made them very nice. It is not often, I am that happy over end result, since usually they have been made very thin. This time they also fit with my face type.
After that I continued my road to city and met with Gerli. Together we went and I got my underskirt for my wedding dress. Now it will look perfect. And I am loving it.
Next stop for us was in shoe shop and there we met also Kristi. She needed new shoes for my wedding. The ones she had liked from beginning and wanted to buy, had not her size, so it ended, that she took other ones, but they looked very pretty too. Fitted well with her dress I will think :)
After that we left Gerli and went to buy a new embroidery thread, since Kristi was kind to help me with my last missing 18 napkin rings. I have my machine at service and lucky for me, we both have same kind of embroidery machine. When thread was bought, we went to visit our costumer, since we will start at their place with cleaning on Monday. It is always good to visit them. They smile always and are happy and that makes us also more full of energy.
Later, we decided, that hmm, now we need some food. We both had got hungry and had not much for breakfast. So, that was need to be fixed, else, we would be mad :D Since we needed food and we needed it right that moment.
From lunch, I ran to get my eyelash extensions. After that I looked beautiful. I felt honestly like a woman. I told even to my future husband to be, that this is one thing I want to hold even after the wedding. They looked very nice and she made very good work. Next time I will go and let her to put the filling.
After that I run home, to take all my things home and get one bite coffee, since when it was time for go and have try for my wedding make up. Sara made wonderful work. It looked stunning and I looked nice and beautiful in the end result. My fiancée told that I have not looked that nice for a very long time. He liked what he saw and that made me more happy.
On the way home I picked up my love and we went to print out the program for church and small songbook for wedding dinner and left them to our host couple. It was short and nice visit. We will not meet with them, than first in church on Saturday afternoon.
Later we was so tired for make food, so, we decided to drive through drive-in in Max burger and got something from there with us. Eated it at home and just tried to relax bit.
After that it was more preparations at home and when in finally in midnight it was bed what called us, since tomorrow/today was already arrived and a lot more things need to be done with waked time.
Our Wedding
Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,
Om du precis har börjat använda principerna i The Secret - Hemligheten är mitt råd till dig att först inrikta dig på att arbeta med din egen frekvens. Be om det du vill ha och ARBETA sedan i ditt inre. ARBETA med att höja din frekvens genom dina tankar och känslor.
Ställ in din frekvens så att den är i harmoni med universum. Universums frekvens är en frekvens av ren godhet!
If you have just started using the principles of The Secret - The secret is my advice to you that you first focus on working with your own frequency. Ask for what you want and then work in your mind. Efforts to raise your frequency through your thoughts and feelings.
Set your rate so that it is in harmony with the universe. Universe frequency is a frequency of pure goodness!
Words of Wisdom
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Eye lashes,
Today I made my eyes nice. I got extensions for my eye lashes. They look very nice and beautiful. And what kind of woman, does not want to look nice and beautiful on her wedding day and for her future husband to be.
I am very happy over the result. They look absolutely wonderful and I fell self for my eyes. Now, I can't see, how it looks out on my wedding day. Would like to see the result :)
Our Wedding
Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,
När du börjar att skapa medvetet och avsiktligt är det ofta bättre att fokusera på en sak åt gången. Med lite övning kommer du att tillägna dig en stark förmåga att använda och styra din energi, och då kommer du att kunna fokusera på många saker samtidigt.
Föreställ dig att ditt sinne är som ett förstoringsglas som solen skiner igenom. När du håller förstoringsglaset stilla över en och samma punkt börjar det förr eller senare att brinna där. Det är ingen skillnad mellan ett förstoringsglas och solen, och ditt sinne och universum.
When you begin to create consciously and deliberately, it is often better to focus on one thing at a time. With a little practice you will dedicate yourself to a strong ability to use and control your energy, and then you will be able to focus on many things at once.
Imagine that your mind is like a magnifying glass as the sun shines through. When you hold the magnifying glass stationary over one point it begins sooner or later to burn there. There is no difference between a magnifying glass and sun, and your mind and the universe.
Words of Wisdom
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,
Nyckeln till visualisering är att hela tiden låta bilden röra sig för ditt inre och att se dig själv röra dig i bilden. Om du håller bilden i rörelse som en film kan du snabbt bli en mästare på visualisering. Om bilden är statisk blir det mycket svårare att hålla kvar den för ditt inre.
Gör din visualisering aktiv och fartfylld med massor av rörelse, så kommer du att bli så fångad av den att du inte kommer att kunna tänka på något annat.
The key to visualization is to always make the image move in your mind and see yourself moving in the picture. If you hold the picture in motion like a movie, you can quickly become a master of visualization. If the image is static, it becomes very difficult to keep it in your mind.
Make your visualization, active and energetic with lots of motion, so you will be so captivated by it that you will not be able to think of something else.
Words of Wisdom
Monday, April 25, 2011
5 day´s left,
until I will be Mrs. Now, I start to feel bit nervous. In beginning, it felt like a lot of others was more nervous, than me, but today, when we went to shops, to buy some things for our wedding party, when I felt, ups, that day just comes closer and closer. That it is last week, I am not married. In the weekend, it will be big day for me. For Us.
As I wrote also before, when today after shopping, I got hair stylers visit. Now my hair is colored and cut. Next what will be done with the hair, will be put it up on Saturday morning.
Tomorrow, I will be in the morning bit work, at the noon I will have dentist visit. That would be something I will afraid. After the dentist visit in Estonia for 6 years ago for now, after that, I afraid them and I don't trust them so much. I can't understand my fiancée, when he says, that he sleeps on dentist chair :) There must be something wrong :D
After that I will go for small visit to Home shop, with my embroidery machine. Will see, does my new frame will work after that visit.
Now I will go bed and find my pillow. Will write more about my long weekend tomorrow.
Sleep well and Good Night!
Just my thoughts
New look,
Today, I got in the evening new look. My previous white stripes was need to fresh up a little for the wedding, so, that my hair will look nice on the pictures, but also that on Saturday morning, it would be easier to put my hair up.
It has been long time, since I had so light hair :D The hair styler was very good and made very good work. I am very happy and satisfied with the end result. It looks very pretty. I am so happy over it :D Must admit, light blond stripes in my dark hair looks good :)
Next time I meet my hair styler will be Saturday morning at 6 o'clock :D Hmm, me, up at 5:15 :D It will be hard to believe and same time, it will be very long day for us. I am sure, if it is looong hard day, I will sleep like a baby after wedding party :D
Just my thoughts,
Our Wedding
Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,
Du har använt hemligheten i The Secret i hela ditt liv - det finns inget tillfälle då du inte har använt den. Du använder den vare sig du drar till de saker du önskar dig eller sådana du inte önskar dig. Varje människa, händelse och omständighet - allt det du möter varenda dag - kommer till dig genom attraktionslagen.
You have used the secret of The Secret in your life - there is no time when you have not used it. You use it whether you attract the things you wish you or those you do not want you. Each person, event and circumstance - all the things you encounter every day - brought to you by the law of attraction.
Words of Wisdom
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,
"Ingen är mer älskad och omhuldad i den här världen är den som gör andras bördor lättare att bära."
"Nobody is more loved and cherished in this world is what makes other people's burdens easier to bear."
Words of Wisdom
Friday, April 22, 2011
Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,
En visionstavla är ett verktyg som hjälper dig att skapa en inre bild av det du vill ha. När du tittar på visionstavlan inpräntar du bilderna av dina önskningar i ditt sinne. När du koncentrerar dig på bilderna på din visionstavla stimulerar det dina sinnen och framkallar positiva känslor inom dig. I och med det får du skapelsens två beståndsdelar - dina tankar och dina känslor - att verka med full kraft.
A vision board is a tool that helps you create a mental picture of what you want. When you look at the vision board teaches you the pictures of your desires in your mind. When you concentrate on the pictures on your vision board stimulates the senses and evokes positive feelings within you. With it, you will create two elements - your thoughts and your emotions - to act with full force.
Words of Wisdom
Happy Easter!
It is Easter Friday today. Yesterday in many countries was beginning for long weekend. It is interesting how traditions and holidays are in different countries. In some place even it is holiday already on Thursday, some places from Friday. Same thing is with Mondays. In some countries people are working already on Monday and in some countries people are going to work from Tuesday.
Here in Sweden people are working half a day on Thursday and will start working again on Tuesday. In Estonia we had, that we are free from Friday but will go back to work on Monday already. I might take mistake here, since it has been a while, but if I remember right, when in Denmark, people are free from Thursday and will go back to work on Tuesday.
In this year, it has been very nice weather, at least yesterday and seems that also today. It feels spring. Feels very good.
Today we will leave for my fiancées father for a bit time now in Easter. Tomorrow we will have a small trip to somewhere together with him and we will be back at home on Sunday morning. In Sunday evening we have planned a small barbecue and for Monday, we will see, what will happen. At least one thing is sure. Batteries for camera are charged and will be taken with us. Who knows, what interesting we can find and same time, it is spring, it is nice weather, why not to try to catch it on camera and use later the photos to decorate home and something to use on photo club.
Have a nice Easter time my friends and readers! We will meet soon again, when I will be back at home again.
Have a nice Day!
Just my thoughts
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Long weekend,
From today we have long weekend. It feels good and something what is needed. After long weekend, will be busy time with work, with wedding and many other things.
It has been week full of work, full of preparations for wedding and so on. Today evening, it is first time I feel that I am so tired, that I will fall soon to sleep, but still needing to wait until next napkin ring will be done and when shower and I think I hear how my pillow is calling.
Today has been very productive day even at home. Cleaning at home, cleaning windows, embroider napkin rings for our wedding, making a Easter decorations for my soon to be father-in-law, since tomorrow morning we will take a trip to him and spend couple of days in country side. We will be back at home on Sunday before noon.
It has been else another nice afternoon together with my fiancee. It feels good to spend bit time with him as well and not just say couple of sentences in the morning before we go to work and in the evening, we both are tired to talk much. So, it has been very nice time. I am very happy that he also helps me at cleaning at home. I love him for that.
Now, I think, I will go and take shower and when it will be bed what is calling me.
Sleep well and Good Night!
It has been week full of work, full of preparations for wedding and so on. Today evening, it is first time I feel that I am so tired, that I will fall soon to sleep, but still needing to wait until next napkin ring will be done and when shower and I think I hear how my pillow is calling.
Today has been very productive day even at home. Cleaning at home, cleaning windows, embroider napkin rings for our wedding, making a Easter decorations for my soon to be father-in-law, since tomorrow morning we will take a trip to him and spend couple of days in country side. We will be back at home on Sunday before noon.
It has been else another nice afternoon together with my fiancee. It feels good to spend bit time with him as well and not just say couple of sentences in the morning before we go to work and in the evening, we both are tired to talk much. So, it has been very nice time. I am very happy that he also helps me at cleaning at home. I love him for that.
Now, I think, I will go and take shower and when it will be bed what is calling me.
Sleep well and Good Night!
Just my thoughts
Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,
Det är så viktigt att du är tacksam för allting i ditt liv. Många inriktar sig enbart på det som de saknar och glömmer bort att vara tacksamma för allt de redan har. Utan tacksamhet kan du inte uppnå någonting genom attraktionslagen, för om du inte sänder ut tacksamhet från ditt inre blir det automatiskt så att du sänder ut otacksamhet. Var proaktiv och använd din inre frekvens för att ta emot det du vill ha.
It is so important that you are thankful for everything in your life. Many focus only on what they lack and forget to be thankful for everything they have. Without gratitude you can not achieve anything by the law of attraction, because if you do not send out gratitude from your heart, it automatically so you send out ingratitude. Be proactive and use your internal frequency to receive what you want.
Words of Wisdom
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
9 days left,
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Foto: Camilla Svensson |
Today have been day full at work at costumers homes and also later at home. It feels so good to have our nice home. All we do in the garden, we are doing to our selves.
Work day was long and hard. First it was big cleaning. It took many hours. More we suppose to use. It happens. After that, we had one more costumer. I must admit, I have been patient, but today, I felt that my patience has left. I hope just, that it will come back latest tomorrow morning. I truly hope that.
In garden I planted today some of my flowers down, but also some herbs and onion. Now, I need one more box for herbs and things, and when I will be done :D My dear fiancee laughs over me :D In his eyes, I live on boxes :D Since today, when we went to shop, I bought again boxes :D This time for car, so that I can put all cleaning things nicely. Will see, when does I need again new ones :D Me and boxes having a love affair ;) But I like when all looks nice and have system.
As also yesterday, today I made some more napkin rings. Not very much, since we made food and I worked at garden a little time as well. Managed to make 3 more, so now I need to make 42 more and when it is all done.
Now I think, I will go bed. Tomorrow morning, I need to go to work again. Next week, I should be free and have all preparations for Saturday, but I will help Kristi as well as much as I can. Will see, how it all goes. Still I do not feel nervous about our wedding, but, it might soon come :D It comes closer and closer and still so much is needing to be done. Most works will start and needing to be done next week.
Sleep well and good night!
Just my thoughts,
Our Wedding
Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,
Vi har alla fullständig frihet att välja precis vad vi vill. Den makten ligger nu i dina händer och det är du som väljer hur du vill använda den makten i ditt eget liv. Du kan välja:
Att skapa ett lyckligare liv i dag, eller att skjuta upp det till i morgon.
Vilket känns bäst? Du väljer!
We all have complete freedom to choose exactly what we want. The power is now in your hands and it's your choice how you want to use the power in your own life. You can choose:
To create a happier life today, or to postpone it until tomorrow.
Which feels best? You choose!
Words of Wisdom
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