Wednesday, August 31, 2011

End of August,

We have arrived to last day of a August. Month has been passed again very fast. Just it was beginning of August and my vacation was just end and work was waiting and already we are in the end of the month.
This month has been full of many different happenings both at work as well as in private.

The biggest thing I think what has happened and what has made me more happy is, when I started at gym in last week. Even thought it has been hard work, it has made me feel bit more happy. I don't feel that much sadness as I have felt past months.

We also had nice evening in Skövde with my husband and his friends. It was first time for me to visit that city and that was nice one. I hope that I will have opportunity to visit that city soon again. And why not to visit some other new place.
Also new year in Lions club has started. This year I am even in board and this has been new experience for me. I also have started to represent our Lions club in Worlds Children (Världens Barn) organization. We  have had even first meetings on both place and it seems interesting. I really like that. I like, when I can do something good and help others. That is something what makes me feel more human, makes me feel more better person.

We have also had barbeque evenings with friends. Hopefully new month will take some more nice weather with it and we can barbeque couple of times more before long autumn will arrive and brings bad weather with it.
I also got in the beginning of month good news, that our family has got bit growth with one baby boy. Now I have made small present to that small boy, what I just need to send that package away to Estonia :) 
It has been month both full of good things, things what have made me happy and it has had things what has made me sad and less happy. 

Water Intensive,

It is Wednesday and middle of the week. In the morning we had work and now in the evening I had time for my gym training again.
Today's pass what I had chosen was Water Intensive again. This time it had different trainer and it is easy to see, which trainer is better and who is not that good. Now I have had 2 different passes with same type of training program. I have experienced different trainers and I must admit, I liked my Sundays Water Intensive more, when I had today. Today I felt like it was missing harder training. Most was easy things and felt like did not trained that hard as I felt after the training on Sunday. In the same time I believe that that might be change. Seems that not every time there will be same trainer :) So, Now I we just have to wait next week to see, how it would be :)
Anyway, it was good to be gym again. Tomorrow will be new day again :)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Aerobic Zumba,

Today evening it was time for gym again. In training plan it was Aerobic Zumba. Only today I was not alone. I had my fiend and colleague Kristi with me.
When I signed up my membership in Atlantis Spa, I also got 2 free tickets, so that I can take friends or family members with me to gym. Since Kristi has been in Zumba before and was interested to try Zumba at Atlantis Spa, when I was happy, that I could use one of the free ticket and take my friend with me. It was also much easier to take Kristi with me, than my dear husband, since he haters gym.
In the morning I had to book ticket for her. First, when I am called them in the morning before 7, they told that Zumba was all booked up, but on the first possible cancellation they will print one ticket out for me. I just had to call them bit later again and hear how is it with ticket.
Shortly before lunch I did it and I got good news. There became a cancellation and they had printed one ticket out for me.
After that in the evening it was time for Zumba :D It was full of work. Different stiles, but trainer was very good. It also seemed that trainer was well liked, since it was fully booked again in the evening :) So training started with full power :D Mix with Latin America rhythms, aerobic and other things, it was full of speed :) Shaky shaky body and hips :D We both got to sweat a lot and we was not only ones. Seems that all other people who was on that pass, got same :D
After our pass was ended and we had worked all our bodies well through, we took fast shower and after that we used relax in spa. It felt good and just what we was need after today's work and later with training at gym :D It felt perfect to relax in sauna and jacuzzi :) Just before the end we swim bit and time to wash and home, since tomorrow is again new day with work and training for me in the evening as well :)
Thank you Kristi for good time in training and after in relax. Soon again :)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Water intensive,

Even thought that it is Sunday morning, when I had even wake up clock for today. And I need that small friend to wake up, because I needed to be on time for my training again. I took morning pass, so at 10:30 training was started.
For today I had chosen Water intensive. Now after the training I can say, it was very intensive. Poor trainer was even self sweaty even thought he was on the pool edge and we others was in pool. Not surprised, that we all others got quite sweaty as well.
Shortly after warm up and some other exercises we took dumbbells again on use. Only this time, I managed to broke one of them :D Hmm, how did that happened? I think I worked too hard :D
If yesterday I thought that it was medium as the name was, then today was really hard pushing. I thought that due my asthma I can't keep up the speed with others and trainers, but I was surprised, that I could do it. In some things we did do, I even could have bit faster speed. Must admit only one thing I have to learn - I forget that I need to breath as well :D
Else it was very good training. I was happy and I liked it. Tomorrow will be free day from training, since I have work, meeting with school and in the evening I have two meetings- one with Lions and one with Worlds Children. But I am back at gym already on Tuesday and other days up to Friday are booked already.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Water medium,

Yesterday I got my membership in one of the gym's in Jönköping. Today I was already use it and had my first pass.
When I lived in Estonia, I went to water aerobics and I missed after I moved to Tallinn and later here in Sweden. I felt good there. Beginning of the week I saw the commercial on street about water zumba and I thought to investigate it bit more. On Thursday evening I made my mind up and signed up for a membership over the Internet. Friday late morning I got phone call from Atlantis Spa and they asked me, when I could meet with them, so that they could show me bit around and I could get my membership card as well as my present. I made appointment for that introduction meeting already same day and agreed that I could start with training already in Saturday, since I saw on the meeting that there was opening for water training for today.
Today morning at 11 I was on my first training and I was so exited, because one thing I am really sure and that is, I love the water. So, into the pool and training started shortly after that as well. Since it was first time for me in that gym and training class, was I bit unsure what I need to take, that made also me to forget my water bottle in my locker.

Trainer was very helpful in the morning. She gave me two dumbbells and I was ready. It was actually quite interesting. Some things was familiar for me from Estonia, most things was new. In some reason and somehow I got some energy and started to feel after training myself bit better again. I think that might be one thing, what I have missed and not even thought of that, but my unconscious did think about it. Now I hope that soon I will feel again as old me.

Today's training was really good and I just enjoyed it. It was exactly what I needed to start again with my trainings. Tomorrow will be new training in the morning and different class. Will see, what that will bring with it :) Already very curious and can't wait time to go further, so that it would be time to go to train again :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011


We are humans and that makes, that we can feel and have emotions and feel empathy. That also means, that one day we are happy, some other day we are sad. We can smile, we can cry.
Today for me has been a day full of emotions. One meeting, made me sad, must admit it made me very sad. I don't feel anger or disappointment, just big sadness is filling my heart at the moment. But that is, what makes us humans. Soon this sadness will go over. It might not happen today or tomorrow, but one day. We can't be always happy, since life will bring ups and downs with it and we just have to follow that line.
Should that make me to drop everything. I don't think so. We have came so far and that will not mean the end yet. Options is still there and they will not get lost. At least so far, we hope and hope will be last thing we will loose. So far we live, will always find hope. Who knows, how they will think again tomorrow or next week or month.
Now, I just have to hope, that all goes well in the end and our wish will come true. It might take some time, but I still believe and hope, that the decision we waiting will be as we would like. j

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Weekend in Gothenburg,

We planning again a small trip for us. Weekend away from home and have small exchange for daily life. That should affect relationship in positive way.

So today we booked us an  hotel in Gothenburg. It will be good to have a weekend in Gothenburg with my husband and have evening with our friends. We plan to leave home earlier in the morning, so that we could go and visit bit in the city and I could take some more pictures, than I could do in Skövde, I hope, since in Skövde the camera batteries got suddenly empty. Now I have to hope that same thing will not happen in Gothenburg.

Hotel we booked was recommended by friend and in the internet, it seems to be small and cozy. We made a booking for Hotel Kusten. Hotel was quite cheap and breakfast is included. Price for our double/twin room was only 820 SEK per night. Have free relax and internet and most of all, it has free parking :)
Now we just have to wait until the beginning of October and when we will make a visit to Gothenburg and will just enjoy time with each other and with friends. Can't wait it :)

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Our Garden,

Today we worked again little in our garden. We planted some plants and fixed last part with stones, since we thought that some places should be made bit wider, than we had made it before.

Now we need to fix some more things in garden before we can start to sow new grass. We have to make a new space for our strawberries. Plant my peonies to new place and when we are ready to to sow. I am so sure, that the end result will be beautiful. The final result we will see first in next year, but I am sure that this is worth for waiting.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

20 years...

... has passed, when Estonia got her Independence again. Time just have went fast.
If we think back for that 20 years, how things was then and how it is now, when it has been changed so much with this time and I believe, that there will come more changes.
What do I remember from that past 20 years. It is many different things. Remember how it was to get independence and shortly after that we was need to defend it, because Russian military came into our capital with tanks and Estonians defended TV tower.
Summer later we got our own currency. Ruble was exchanged with crown. Now 19 years later crown has been exchanged to euros. Is that good or bad - in my opinion, it has both sides, but as for the public and ordinary people, it has made more concern than good things. Lately has this concern came to the politicians and economics. Would we have had same problem, if we would had kept crown, that will remain the question, what will never get answer.
Other things, what came with our independence was that we could travel more abroad. First it was not very easy and it was also very expensive, but when our country improved that we can behave, it started to get easier to travel. More easier started it to be when we joined with Schengen and European Union, the traveling went much more easier for Estonian people. That has made people to feel free.
Also some other things have happened during this time. Most times has been that people has been satisfied, some of the time people has not been that. Always can find things, what we might not like, we might not like decisions what politicians have took, but on the other hand, we can't say much about it, since it has been us, who has been chose them to represent us.
Today it is celebration day. We have had our independence for 20 years and it is bit more than half of my life. I was just a schoolgirl when our country got independent and now 20 years later I have seen how Estonia has grown from the day we got free from Soviet Union. 
Today evening I just miss that I am not in Estonia. In Tallinn, they have big song festival again for remember the singing revolution. Only this time it is not that we need to sing us free. This time it is for at remember those times and also to show the world, that Estonians holding together no matter what.
Have a nice Independent day my dear fellow countrymen!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Office/ Sewing room,

Today I made some more new changes at my room what is both my office and sewing room. Previously I changed bit there before, but after I bought overclock, it seemed like my room need some more changes. So after the work, my friend and colleague gave me a good idea to go to IKEA and look in bargain corner and look something might be there. I had looked also before in shop some other table tops, and thought I go look first in that corner and after that I will go and take the one I looked in shop. In the bargain corner I made a good find. Found a table top what was exactly that size, what I was needed. Of course, in the beginning I thought that I need bit smaller that this tabletop will not fit, but it fitted precisely. So I was very happy for my good catch and that I saved some money. 

Wedding picture,

Today was one of our wedding picture published at our local newspaper Jönköping Nu :) That feels interesting :) Our 15 seconds of fame :D

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Chrismas in August,

Today it feels, like I have got visit from Santa Claus. Feels like it is Christmas and I got Christmas presents. Still we all knowing that Christmas is not yet.
Today morning, when I met my friend and colleague at work, she had a big bag for me :) I got my sewing things, what I had asked Kristi to buy for me in Estonia, when she was there on her vacation. I had asked her to buy some quilting magazines. Now I can start to make some more interesting things. Feels actually good, since it feels very interesting. The magazines are interesting place to gather ideas.

I also got thread to my new overlock, since thread is one thing, what is still cheaper in Estonia, when it is here. So, every time Kristi has been in Estonia, she have taken some thread with her for us. An of course some other things, what I needed and what is cheaper there, when it is here. I got also very nice ribbon for baby things. Here I have not seen yet anything nice and that picture on ribbon would be clear.
So, Christmas in August is good :) Hopefully I can go soon as well to that shop and see what more good things there can be found :D Thank you, Kristi for my things.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Today me and my dear husband had opportunity to help one of our dear friend. Due that she worked all day, we helped her by babysitting her 3 children. Oldest boy is 6 year old and twins are 4 years.
They arrived just bit after 8 in the morning and since they did not want to eat breakfast, took me and Tommy quickly breakfast and after we brushed our teeth we started our trip towards to Falköping. We planned to visit Tommy's father, so that I could get some apples and children could see how the things are in farm. They petted calves and tried to pet cows as well, but that was not the easiest. They also played outside and just walked in barefoot on the wet soil. They seemed really like to be outside in the farm, since in every first opportunity they run into the stable to play and pet the calves. When they game to inside, we took a small lunch and after that we went to playground in Falköping so that they could pet some more animals and play. It ended that we spent almost 3 hours in the playground. In the same time the time we spent there just flied. After the playground before we came home, we went to shop buy some food and things and after that we started our driving to home. After 5 km it got very quiet in backseat of the car. All three just had felled to asleep. The sound was so nice and same time also very cute.
All those 3 cuties woke up just before we arrived back to home. Tommy and kids went to outside. Tommy started to cut the grass and children started to play with water guns and if that was not enough, they took water hose and started to spray Tommy. I think, that was fun to kids, but not that fund for my husband. He was totally wet :D But at least his wife got good laugh out of that :) And that worked for me.
After dinner we looked together Dumbo and played little. Just before their mother came we ate fresh homemade apple pie. Shortly after that arrived also their mother. Seemed that children was very happy to see their mother. We just laughed over it.
It was very good day at least for us. It was nice to babysit those cuties. I think even my dear husband liked babysitting :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

A new week...

...has began. Last week had passed very fast. I believe that as they say, if you have something to do, when time just flies.
Last week was also mark for ending for vacation and beginning for work as it was before vacation. Those two weeks of vacation just flied. First week we had vacation went to Stockholm and some other things before and from the end of the weekend we started to fix garden, what we continued in second week of our vacation, but rain did it's own work and we could not finish it. Last week also could not do, so we hope, that this week in weekend, weather will be nice and lets us to make some more work in garden.
Last week at work we had quite many works, this week will be same or even bit more, since some costumers will be back from their vacation.
Today after work, me and my dear husband went to fabric shop, so that we could buy some fabric for my cousins newborn baby. After at home I started to sew and embroider first things. It feels so nice to do something personal :) Will see how it ends with things. After they have been sent and arrived to the right person, I will also add pictures to my blog so that you all can see them.
Now, I feel quite tired and will go and find my pillow.

Sleep well and have a nice dreams :)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

It's a boy!

Today around noon when we was on our way to city, I got a phone call. It was my aunt who called me and told that she had very good news for me. She told me, that today morning she had got a new title - Grandmother. Her daughter and daughters partner had got a healthy baby boy, who had weight 3,620 kg and had length for 51 cm. I was so happy for that news. It was so nice to hear about that kind of news.

Later we shopped some presents for the baby and sent package on the way to Estonia, so that when they will go home next week from the hospital, when they will also get our present.

After that I made phone call for newly fresh parents and congratulate them for a baby and talked also my aunt. Tomorrow I will go after the work to fabric shop and will buy some fabric and will start to make some presents for the baby :)

Congratulations for new parents and grandparents. A huge hug from us to everyone.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

First swimming,

Today me and my dear husband took first swimming tour at the lake.
Some days ago I went together with my friend and with her children by the lake close by. I had no swimming clothes with me that day and we thought to go with husband later in the evening, but then came something up and we could not go. So therefore we went today to Västrasjön.
In the beginning, it was bit cold, but after we had made us wet and our bodied was used with water, it was nice and warm. The longer from the shore we swam, the warmer the water was. It was so nice. Even thought, that we have arrived already to August, when it was first time we swam outside and not in swimming pool. At least we are sure in one thing - this will not be our last time :)