Now is first half a year over. Time just goes fast. It is like a sand in a sand glass what just pours out. First half a year has passed really fast for me and it has been full of many happenings. They have been good and some has been bad, but that is life. Who has said that life should be easy? It would be nice if it would be easy, but sadly it is not that simple. And as usually good and bad times walks together hand by hand, so that is not any big surprise.
Some subjects at school is finished. One of them was Swedish as second language A. To think, that I never have spoken language before and I never have learned it before than starting of this year, when I must admit, I am very very happy with my result.
Some other things what has been happen past half year is, that I got engaged with my boyfriend. We have taken it slowly, since we both have had past with the relationships before, but who does not has a past. If someone says, that he or she has no past, then it must be a lie, since we all have it.
Else, oh yes, we started our own company and have got already some costumers who is fas costumers. Not only them also some other kind of work we have got, so it has been shown a small growth so far every month. It feels good.
I am happy to be here in Sweden. Yes, still some things I am not used with but else it goes better and better. Then I missed home and also Tallinn before a lot and felt homesickness, than now I don't miss so much. Just missing some persons to talk with, but I have tried to make as good as possible my living here so far and soon I can go visit my family and friends in Tallinn again.
SO, if I take all together, when I am happy that I made my decision to move together with my boyfriend, ups, now I can say with my fiancée :=) I do not feel any more that I should regret that decision and why should I. I have most best boyfriend ever. He holds me really. Sometimes I feel a spoiled :D
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