Friday, January 7, 2011

Wedding night,

Today it has been a day full of small things what also needs to be done before our wedding in the end of April, because some things just needs to be done or booked bit ahead. One thing what was need to be done also, was to book hotel room to us for our wedding night. We had some discussions about, where we should be that night, because we wanted to be somewhere else and just not at home. We thought that this night should be a bit different from our everyday life. Under consideration was couple of hotels and winner was, Scandic Portalen in Jönköping :) I have only made sometimes bookings to that hotel, when I worked at the Hilton Reservations Worldwide, but never have self been there. I have just passed it on my way to cinema or if I have been in west part of Jönköping. So, now we can try to be a night there and see what would be our experiences with this hotel.


Joakim said...

Mitt stammishotell där jag har bott många gånger och blivit för det mesta nöjd.

Ingrit said...

Hoppas att vi också bliver nöjd :)