Thursday, June 2, 2011


Today's dessert on the menu in the evening will be Tiramisu. Something what I have done also once before, but thought since it had been over a year when I did it last time, I thought to make it again. Will see how it will taste in the evening :)

Ingredients for Tiramisu:
6 egg
500 gr mascarpone cheese
150 gr sugar
0,5 dl whiskey
savoiard biscuits
3 dl strong coffee
Cacao powder.

Separate egg whites and yellows. Mix sugar and egg yellows until they are whipped up. Add mascarpone cheese and whiskey and mix it all well through. Whip up egg whites and when it is done, mix all it together in one bowl. Take one form, where you will put dessert in and start to cover it with biscuits. First dip biscuits through the strong coffee. When bottom of the form is covered with biscuits add some of the cheese cream top of it. Fill another layer with biscuits and fill rest of the cream over it. Let it stay in fridge at least 3 hours. As longer it stays there as more tastes will be blended. Just before serving cover it with cacao powder.

Instead of whiskey can be used some other kind of liqueur. I used my husband's own whiskey, since it has leaves good taste on the desserts, when I have been used it before.

Vajalikud ained Tiramisu'le:
6 muna
500 gr. mascarpone juustu
150 gr. suhkrut
0,5 dl likööri või whiskyt
kakao pulbrit
3 dl. kanget kohvi
savoiardi küpsiseid

Eraldada muna valged ja kollased. Vahustada muna kollased suhkruga tugevaks vahuks. Lisada juurde mascarpone juust ja suhkur ja viski ning vahustada ütlaseks massiks. Teises kausis vahustada munavalged tugevaks vahuks. Lisada vahustatud valged vahustatud munakollaste ja juustu segusse.
Võtta küpsetusvorm või mingi muu kõrgemate äärtega nõu ning hakata küpsiseid sinna katva kihina laduma. Enne vormi panemist kasta küpsised kohvist läbi ja asetada siis vormi. Kui vormi põhi küpsistega kaetud, vala peale pool juustu massi. Vajuta ühtlaseks kõik. Lao peale teinekiht küpsiseid ja kata need ülejäänud juustu massiga. Lase külmkapis seista vähemalt 2-3 tundi enne serveerimist. Mida kauem seisab see külmkapis, seda paremini maitsed segunevad omavahel. Enne serveerimist kata magustoit õhukese kakao kihiga. Vorm mida mina kasutasin ja siin pildil on 32x23x7 cm.

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