Monday, October 3, 2011

New member in our Lions club,

Today our Lions Club got new member - my dear colleague and friend Kristi. For me that was an good news for many ways. For one, it feels good to have some people, who are having same age as me. For the second, now I am also a sponsor :) For the third, our club needs bit growth and young blood as well.
It was nice to have the ceremony. I, as the sponsor, was put the Lion's pin on the Kristi. Made me feel bit more proud and happy :)
Now, we will see, what happens in next monthly meeting. Before that, we have had found raising for Worlds Children and board meeting at our home. I believe and hope, that there will come more good times. So far, it has been interesting and good time.
I also just realized, that it is just year ago, when I self became a member in our Lions Club and the year in Club, has brought a lot of different things with it and this year I have got even 2 more things to do - be a board member and have responsibility for Worlds Children. Now, this month will show, how I can manage the last thing. I self hope, that I can manage it well, but it will be club members in the end who can say how I did it.

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