Sunday, April 22, 2012

Budapest long / Budapesti rull

Yesterday I took time to bake again after a long while, since I did it last time. I decided to try to make my favorite cake here in Sweden, called Budapest long. Now, I can share the recipe, since we tried it yesterday and it was eatable and tasted very good :D


100 gr ground hazelnuts
6 egg whites
2 dl sugar
3/4 dl quick marsan powder (From Ekströms)
2-3 dl whip cream
200 gr fresh raspberries

Hack hazelnuts if they are whole.
Whip egg whites hard and fluffy.
Mix grounded hazelnuts, sugar and marsan powder and add the mix with whipped egg whites.
Cover 20x30 cm cake form with baking paper and spread out the dough.
Bake 20 minutes in the middle of the own in 175 degrees.

When cake has bit cooled down, when take it out of form. On the table put wet towel and new sheet baking paper on it. turn the cake bottom on it and tear off the baking paper from the bottom. Cover it with baking form and let it cool down until it is cold.

Whip up the whip cream and cover cake with it. Top it with fresh raspberries and roll it together. You can cover it with powder sugar, chocolate or as I did, fresh strawberry jam :) Whip cream has no sugar added, since bottom has already sugar and marsan powder has some sugar, when it keeps good balance with sugar and fresh taste.

Vajalikud ained koogile:

100 gr peenestatud pähkleid
6 munavalget
2 dl suhkrut
3/4 dl kiir marsanpulbrit (Ekströmsilt)
2-3 dl vahukoort
200 gr värskeid vaarikaid

Purusta pähklid, kui nad on terved. 
Vahusta munavalged tugevaks ja kohevaks vahuks.
Sega omavahel kokku purustatud pähklid, suhkur ja marsani pulber.
Sega omavahel vahustatud munavalged ja kuivained.
Kata 20x30 cm koogivorm küpsetuspaberiga ning vala tainas vormi ja küpseta 20 minutit 175 kraadi juures.

Lase koogil natuke jahtuda vormis. Seejärel aseta lauale niiske rätik. Selle peale kuiv ja puhas leht küpsetuspaberit ning võta kook koos küpsetuspaberiga vormist välja ja keera pealmine pool puhtale uuele paberile ning seejärel vabasta teine pool koogist küpsetuspaberist ning Kata koogivormiga ja lase jahtuda kuni on täiesti külm.

Vahusta vahukoor ning kata koogipõhi sellega. Aseta peale värsked vaarikad ning keera rulli. Koogi võid katta tuhksuhkru, sokolaadi vöi nagu minu koogi puhul - maasika toormoosiga. Selle koogi puhul ei ole vahukoorele lisatud suhkrut, sest suhkur mis on põhjas sees, teeb selle koogi niigi magusaks ja seega aitab vahukoor ja vaarikad tasakaalu hoida.

Kooki võid serveerida kohe või lasta tal natuke aega seista ja siis serveeriga koos kohviga.

Head Isu!!

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