Thursday, May 7, 2015

Day has arrived,

Today is the day. Me running after a more than 20 years. Feels bit scary and I must admit that I feel very nervous. Perhaps it is because that I have no one to keep me company, who I know. Might be also that it has been really long time since I did it last time and feeling bit afraid because I have registrated to run with timetaking. I know that distance is not long, but still enough if I have not done it for so long time.
On the other hand it feels good. It is my way to celebrate my weight loss and challenge bit myself. It has been a small motivation carrot for to show myself that I can. That I can come over my fears about my weight, my nightmares about it and so many other thoughts. I believe deep in my brain that it was right decision even thought that at the moment I am feeling that I am not a normal and should be closed to some certain institution.
I will see how it goes today. I take it as it goes but I will be also very satisfied that I have done it because I have not done that for so long time. I have not run that kind of runs for too long time and I feel like it is one way for me to feel good and keep me motivated.

Have a nice day,

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