Sunday, March 27, 2011


 Sometimes happiness is a blessing, but generally, it is a conquest. Each day's are magic moment helps us to change and sends us off in search of our dreams.

We have arrived last Sunday in March. Just 4 days left of that month and we arriving to April. Hopefully April will bring real spring with, since seems, that March do not know, what spring is. For a second time, in past 10 days it has brought snow with it. At least today, it has been less snow than it was last Friday.

Today stated also summertime. We turned our clock's one hour ahead. I used to have hard time with it. After Denmark, I got a easy system to know how it works. In every spring, when we will put garden furniture out, we turn clock one hour ahead and every autumn when we take garden furniture back in, we turn clock one hour back. Easy system, what made it easy for me to remember. We forgot that. We woke up as usually. But we just laid on bed and just enjoyed the long morning. We do not do it often. That was after long time again just one morning. Even Greta had long lazy morning.

Today is also my dear brothers birthday. He turned 30. I could not spend time with him today, but I have talked with him over the phone and sent greeting also to my brother via Facebook. I hope he had good day and that he enjoyed it.

Our plum tree got also cut down a little. At least part of it. Part of it went to neighbors garden, but my dear man went and got it out of there. Now, it should now make much trash to their garden. Now we have some more works, what is needing to be done at the garden. Biggest is that we need to put some more land there and make it nicely equal. I hope only that today's snowing does not kill my nice flowers away, what have put their nose up from underground. It would be sad, since I hope to see many tulips and other flowers what I was put down last autumn after we moved to our home.

My sweety have also packed his luggage what  he will take with him to his business trip. I think Wille wants to go with him and not stay home with me, since he had hide himself to his suitcase. Will see, will I have tomorrow evening his company or not. Time will show it. At least I will have our sweet Greta with me ;)

Else, we have made some small things at home and just tried to relax bit and enjoyed time together. Next couple of nights I will sleep alone and when soon it will come again time, when I will be all whole week alone.
Now, I want to wish you all sleep well and good night. We will meet again tomorrow my dear readers.

Sleep well and good night!

Happy Birthday,

Happy Birthday my dear brother! Not everyday you are turning 30. Now you are big and old :) I hope that today have been one of the nicest day this year. I hope that we will see soon each other and that I can give you a big hug. Right now, you must accept only with virtual hug!

I remember, when we was children and we had period, when we was not good friends. After I started in agricultural school, our relationship turned all new page and we got very close with each other. Now years later, we live quite apart again. Not even same country anymore, but thanks good with phones and Internet, since that gives us possibility to talk with each other. I just hope, that you have enjoyed today as you deserve it.

Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,

Den största revolutionen i vår generation är upptäckten att människor genom att förändra sina tankar och attityder kan förändra de yttre aspekterna av sina liv.

The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that by changing their thoughts and attitudes can change the outer aspects of their lives.