Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day,

Today it is a Mother's Day in Estonia and several other countries. Here in Sweden, it is still couple of weeks for that one special day for our mothers.
For me, it is another Mother's Day without my own mother, but I have 2 special persons in my life, who is very good replacements for her and I believe that my mother is very happy over it, that they are in my life and giving me advice, supporting me and just are here for me. It is not always, when blood relationships matters, it love, caring and warm heart what matters. 
Today I would like to say Happy Mother's Day to my aunt, who has been always here for me! After my mother passed away, she told me, that I always can turn to her and I love her for that. Later in the day, I will go even to church yard in memorial corner and light a candle to my mother. In almost 4 weeks ago, was probably she and my granny, who looked after me and told that it is too early for me, to leave this world.
So, I want to say Happy Mother's Day to all mother, who celebrates that day today and I want to say thank you for my aunt, who is here for Us!


Congratulations Austria and Conchita.

Congratulations Austria. Even thought, I would had liked to see Sweden to win this years Eurovision Song Contest, it was so good to see that Austria won. Conchita showed the world, you can be, who you are and still win. What a fantastic evening it has been from Denmark. We saw, that it does not matter, are you hetero, gay, lesbian or transvestite,  what matters is person self and in this contest even the song and personality and melody and so many other things.
It was very brave from her to represent Austria. Everything is possible if we want in this life, what seems to be so full of prejudice.
Congratulations also to Sanna and to Sweden in proud third place. I really loved this years song. It was a wonderful song. Hopefully we will see her another times in Eurovision.
In the same time, it was sad to see that in my opinion, so many countries made the competition too political. At least it is my own opinion. It is bit sad, but that's life and we can't do nothing else, than just accept.  It feels like some countries giving votes to neighbors and other similar countries. Perhaps one day, we will see the competition as it should be - judging and voting for the songs.

See you next year in May and see, what will happen in Austria. Will be interesting to see, who will win there.

Have a nice evening and sleep well!