Thursday, January 6, 2011

Light and White Chocolate Mousse,

In New Year's eve we wanted to make something different and something good. Result for that was light and white chocolate mousse. I wanted that, I could also make one portion mousse also with dark chocolate, but that did not work out :D As they say, second time would might come out better :D So the dark chocolate so called mousse was as the ingredients for the chocolate cake, what I made today.

It is very easy to make and it goes also quite fast. Just bit white chocolate, bit light chocolate and as I thought also bit dark chocolate, whip cream and egg and after all is mixed together it is done and can be eaten, but as we did, let to stay on fridge some hours, when it was better. Clementines gave very good taste together with chocolate. Taste what it gave was fresh and bit sour.

Bon Apetit!

Chocolate cake,

Today afternoon I baked a cake, what I had postponed some days before. Today, I had to make it, else one ingredients had gone bad and that would had been most sad of it. Result what came out, was very good and tasty. Perhaps some had would liked more moist into the cake, but after I tasted it, I think, it was very good.
After it came out from own, it looked bit naked,

So, I thought that  it needs some filling...

... and some decorations...

... and it was ready to eat :) Bon Apetit! 

Small coincidences,

We wanted to find a photographer, who is willing to take a nice pictures of us in Church and before and after it and we found it. Last night I saw, that one photographer had answered to us and wrote a little. Today we had a bit more mail exchanges and result of that is, that we got our photographer and rest of the pictures we will ask from friends and family later after the wedding :)
Coincidence was, that since I am interested to take self pictures, when I joined with local club for people who share the interest for photographing. My dear fiancée asked, that could I talk with someone from there. Due, that I had not been there in autumn meetings, I could not ask anyone in December meeting, since in the beginning of December when we had decide about our wedding date, I was ill to go to meeting.
So, how we got our photographer. Easy :D She contacted us self :) We had put advertising to one of the forums in one of the wedding page where we have account and she had contacted us. I saw it just after, I had wrote it on my blog and also put it up to facebook :)
And I have looked her pictures also in her blog, they are nice. So one our problem is again solved and that makes that one thing down and more to go as we say :D Thank you Camilla, that you would help us on that day, what would be our day :)

Wedding photographer,

Time just feels to fly. Just it was that was 1-st of January and  now it is already 6th. Just less than 4 months we will have our wedding day. Day, what should bring a lot of joy and happiness with it.
The list, what need to be done before wedding and solve, is long. Some things are done, but there are still so many more, what needs to be done and find.

One thing, what is need to be do, is to find a photographer, who is willing to make a nice pictures of us in that day. Since I have been now twice with a photographer and feel bit spoiled, since I have got back so nice pictures from previous two times.

So, now we need to find a photographer also here in Sweden by the Norrahammar, who would like to help us and to take a nice pictures of us in our wedding day. On the day, what is very important for us. We would like to have nice pictures from the ceremony at the Church and also some pictures before and after wedding. At least that is the goal in the beginning, since from the wedding party we can ask pictures from our family and friends.

So, if someone knows a photographer near us or perhaps takes self pictures, when don't hesitate to contact us.  We would be very very happy, if we would found a person, who is willing to help us. You can contact us by: or

We want to say thank you in advance! We would be very happy if someone would help us with that small thing.

End of the Christmas,

Today we did something what, was one step closer to end of Christmas. Our cat Wille tried to make end for it, what made me to decide, that it is time to take down our nice Christmas tree. It was nice to have it during  Christmas and in the beginning of New Year. Our first Christmas tree what meant a lot for us. At least that meant a lot for me.

As I saw a bit humor, when the used Christmas tree can also be used as toilet brush :) Since I am working with cleaning, when we must admit, our creativity never ends :D And we will get more good ideas :D

So, since it is end of Christmas 2010, when we have no much other choices then just to wait a new Christmas, what is less than 350 days :) It will be nice to see, what new Christmas will bring along with them. It will good to wait and see.
Have a wonderful year ahead until new Christmas :) It is not too much to wait anymore :P