Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Day has passed and evening arrived. Today has been busy day, full of work, meetings and now in the evening was our course. One more in next Tuesday and that course will be finished. When we will get paper for it, what shows, that we have passed it. That feels good, since when we will have time to ourselves in the evenings again. At least for a while. When I can make all the napkin rings for wedding, since it is on 3 weeks.

Today we also in the evening tried to spoil our two sweet cats. We bought first time cat milk for them. Will see, does Greta takes some weight on with it. Hopefully she does, since she needs to be bit more bigger than she is now.

One other thing we did today was, that we had interviews with possible candidate for our company. Tomorrow I will call them all and say our decision, now we just need to wait employment agency response for those we liked. That is proof that we are growing.It feels good for us too.
Now, I will go to sleep. Wille is sleeping already by my keyboard here.

Sleep well and good night!

A healthy life is not determined by physical condition. Life is merely the presence of love, and death is merely its absence.


Just want to cry, but there is not enough tears and soul feels to be teared apart... Sometimes those kind of situations makes feel mad and helpless. If only sad things comes time after time, when one point man can break down and see only things what affects the moment. Like I feel last couple of days...

Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,

Du har ett partnerskap med attraktionslagen, och det är genom ert partnerskap som du skapar ditt liv. Varje människa har sitt eget personliga partnerskap med attraktionslagen. Du använder lagen för din egen räkning, och det gör alla andra också. Du kan inte använda attraktionslagen för någon annans räkning, mot deras fria vilja. Och när man tänker på saken, så tack och lov för att lagen fungerar på det sättet. Om den inte gjorde det skulle vem som helst kunna skapa något i ditt liv som du inte ville ha.

Du skapar genom dina tankar och känslor, och ingen annan än du själv kan tänka dina tankar eller känna dina känslor.

You have a partnership with the law of attraction, and it is through your partnership that you are creating your life. Each person has their own personal partnership with the law of attraction. You use the law on your own behalf, and so does everyone else. You may not use the law of attraction for someone else's behalf, against their free will. And when you think about it, so thank goodness for the law works that way. If it did it would anyone be able to create something in your life that you did not want.

You create through your thoughts and feelings, and no one other than you can imagine your mind or know your feelings.