Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday evening,

It is just couple of days more in this month and when we can welcome a new month. Time just flies and flies.
Today morning, it was not my day. It did not start as I wanted, but I must admit, it ended much better, when I was except to end. During a day had happen so many nice things and I want to thank Kristi, Marek and my dear fiancée for that.  They did help it, to turn nice.

After I had sad and not easy morning, I went to city. Started with Huskvarna, since I wanted to go in fabric shop, so that I could buy some more green fabric, that I can make 4 new place-mats for our home. Last time we was 6 persons and I had 4 new place-mats. I want to have 12 totally, so 8 I need to make more. Only those will be bit different as the others was. I thought to make group of 4 placement mats so that we have a small variation, when we are only few, and to have same color, when we are more than 4. It will be nice to have something, what will be self handmade. It makes home more to feel our home. I also bought a material for napkins, so that I could too some of those also. Now I have something to do again. Soon it will be time to sew my summer set, now I have all fabric for it. Just want to make things for wedding before. They have a small priority then my summer set. After fabric shop, I visited our beloved Home shop. I wanted to buy some green thread and some 2 other colors more, so that I can use bit more, dark green, but also to start to make flowers for wedding table. After that it till be napkin rings, what needs to be done.

Later, when Kristi's meeting was done, I went to coffee at her place. We talked about many things and also shared our happiness for that we have got one more private costumer and we  have got one more companies costumer. That feels good and makes us happy. That also shows, that our company grows.

Later we took small visit to Jönköping. Looked some shoes, what should I have for my wedding and had lunch at our favorite coffee house. As usually, we went and visited also one of the handcraft shop. It ended, that I bought a new lace pattern. That means, from now on, I can make my own lace. Small peek, what kind of patterns there are, can be founded here.

Later I came home fast. It was not planned. Plan was, that I will meet my step-brother in Jönköping, but he had some issues on the road and in the end, he came for dinner in our home and before 10, he was on the road again. It was so nice to see him again. We met last time in last summer. So, almost a year have passed, after our last meeting.

Now I will go find my bed. Have got new book today home and I am waiting to read it, since the previous book - The Secret - was really good. Now it is time to read "The Secret - The Power" and soon I need to fall to sleep. Tomorrow will be new day and work needs to be done.

Sleep well and Good night!

There is nowhere you need to go to find God, for God is within you. There is no one you need ask if you are good enough, for He has already established that He is Exceedingly well pleased. There is no one you need to look for victory, except the One who has risen within you.


It feels like today is not my day. Even thought, that I have been tried to think good and positive thoughts, I have tried to make different things already from the morning, it feels like I miss something, that things are not going as I want and so on. What should we do, when we feel so? What should we do, when we feel sad inside, but there does not come anymore tears? What we should do, if we feel broke inside? And more questions just rising up, but no answers will follow to them.

Today in some reason, feels like here is a big hole inside me, a big lack of energy is missing. But it is just how I feel already in the morning. All long day is ahead of us... How far it will go... What will happen next...

Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,

Kärleken är den högsta kraften vi besitter för att leva i fullkomlig harmoni med attraktionslagen. Ju mer kärlek vi känner, desto större kraft har vi. Ju mer osjälvisk kärlek vi känner, desto mer omätlig är vår kraft.

Attraktionslagen har kallats för kärlekslagen, eftersom själva lagen är en kärleksgåva till mänskligheten. Det är med hjälp av den här lagen som vi kan skapa ett fantastiskt liv.

Ju mer kärlek vi känner, desto större blir den kraft som hjälper oss att skapa ett storslaget liv, ett liv i kärlek, glädje och harmoni.

Love is the highest power we possess to live in perfect harmony with the law of attraction. The more love we feel, the more power we have. The more unselfish love we feel, the more immense is our strength.

Law of Attraction has been called the love of the law because the law itself is a love gift to humanity. It is through this law that we can create an amazing life.

The more love we feel, the greater the force that helps us to create a magnificent life, a life of love, joy and harmony.