Tuesday, April 19, 2011

10 day's left,

and when I will be Mrs. Frei Antonsson. It feels both good and also bit scary. Today my Maid of Honor asked, who is more nervous, me or her. In the end we think, we came to conclusion, that she is more nervous.

Why I am not nervous, that can be perhaps explained with that, the person with whom I am getting married, is also calm or at least he does not show any sign out that he is nervous about to getting married. Other thing can be, that the closer the big day comes, then I will start to be more nervous about it. Will see, what happens :) That I will promise, I will tell how I feel.
Today I made also some more napkin ring. Now I have made totally 15 napkin rings. That makes 45 more to go. I am sure, that I will fix it by that time. In Easter I will make more :)
Feels like time just flies. But I think it is good. Then that one day will be over and done :D

Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,

För att förändra vårt liv måste vi vid någon tidspunkt besluta oss för att vi istället för att lida ska leva lyckliga. Och det enda sättet vi kan göra det på är att besluta oss för att söka efter saker att uppskatta, vad det än må vara.

När vi börjar inrikta oss på det goda och på det ljusa sidan av saker och ting, så svarar attraktionslagen genom att skicka oss en exakt fotokopia av våra nya tankar. Och bra saker börjar dycka upp. Och fler bra saker, och sedan ännu fler...

To change our lives, we at any time point decide to, instead of suffering will live happily. And the only way we can do it in is to decide to search for things to appreciate, what it might be.

As we begin to focus on the good and on the bright side of things, law of attraction will respond by sending us an exact photographic copy of our new ideas. And good things start come up. And more good things, and then even more ...