Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Our days with Sally,

Now we have had Sally in our home for 3 days. Those 3 days have gone well and very fast. During this period, we have had busy times, but good and interesting. So many things have been happen and they have been good.Very good for our health at least. A lot of promenades has been made during a days. I know that this have helped me to sleep bit better and our small family member has been tired as well.

Sally has got also a friend. Little Tove. Tove is my friends and colleagues small 4 month old puppy. Last one wants to play with Sally, but Sally does not make it out of that wish. This does not mean, that they have not had good times.

Many also has asked, how does Sally co-operates with Wille and Greta, and we self are surprised here as well. They are co-operate very well. Respecting each other, no fights so far. They all seems to be very curious about each other, but so far they just have sniffed bit each other. Nothing else.

In Sunday we took our first long promenades. First my husband took one around our home area with his father and Sally. After work, we took much longer promenade out in forest by the lake and later one more promenade in our neighborhoods.

Yesterday I had Sally with me to work. It went very well. After we was done, we visited animal shop. It feels fun that it is one place, where you are aloud to go in together with your four paws friend. Seemed, that friend liked it :) We bought some stuff to her and reflex jacket, so that drivers can see her in the dark. She looked so cute :) Me liked it :D

Today we tried something completely different. We visited Café Bulldog in the City with Tove. It was so sad to hear, that they will close the café by the end of the march or even earlier. We liked service there. It was personal and it was very good. We and our dogs were very well treated. We still hope, that they will keep it open. It was very good to go and visit place, where you could go with your dog and have a cop coffee and our dogs got bowl with water and we could buy some dog treats for them.

After coffee, we took a long promenade in park. The weather was fantastic. Sunny and warm, just sometimes bit too windy. It would have been a crime not to be out in so nice day. Friends was sit on back seat. I am very happy that they are getting through well. That makes easier for us, when we have to take care of Tove in easter time.

Else it has went well. Small funny incidents has happen. Wille likes to take small chances to use the opportunity and  to sleep in Sallys bed, while Sally is not on the second floor. Same time Sally loves to take chances and climb to bed, when we are not in bedroom and don't see, what she is doing.
Now, it seems, that Sally wants to go to sleep. Looks us with very tired eyes.
Good night to everyone from Me, Sally, Greta, Wille and from my husband :) Sleep well and have a sweet dreams. Tomorrow will be new day, new challenges :)