Sunday, April 17, 2011


After the wedding on Tuesday we will have small short honeymoon. We have planned to overnight in Kalmar and visit one of the days Öland.

My dear fiancée have booked hotel us in Kalmar,  Slottshotellet in central city. We will arrive there on Tuesday and will leave on Thursday to come home for out Wille and Greta.
It is wonderful. Not much needed to celebrate our marriage. We will spend just bit special time together and visit something new. There will be later also some pictures on my blog about the places we will visit.

Wedding cake,

Next week, will be busy week. Need to visit a lot of bakeries and see, does we get lucky and we can have short notice order for wedding cake, since we got cancellation from the person from whom we asked before.
Hope that this time we can manage and get our cake on time, since it would be really nice to have wedding cake. We also understand, if bakeries will say no, since it is very last minute order.
Right now, we are hoping that all will go well. Will see, what happens after Tuesday.

Meeting with our wedding photographer,

Today at noon we met with out wedding photographer. We walked little around on Åsalake and discussed about pictures, where to take and even bit what we should do.
We saw also first snake for this year. That was bit scary meeting for me, since I afraid them from my childhood. Small mental issue I have with them.
Around the lake we saw many nice places, what I had not seen yet, so I believe our wedding pictures will be nice what comes from there.
We visited also another place close to our home, where would be also nice to take photos. I got small idea, what everyone else liked as well, so now we need right clothes only ;) But clothes needs to wait a little time more.

After we talked bit about weather. I hope that my deal with weatherman holds and we will have nice and sunny and warm weather.
Later we had small lunch at our home. Food felt good after walking trip out in nature, when we walked up and down from hills.
How our wedding pictures will be, what ideas we have and use, will see, later :) I and my fiancée are very sure about one thing, the pictures will look nice :)

Wedding ring,

My nice wedding ring is home now. We got it yesterday. I must say, it looks very nice and beautiful. As I wrote before, this time, my wedding ring is special for me. The rings has belonged for my mother before. I had 2 different rings. One with flower on and other one was her own wedding band. Now the jeweler had fixed them, so that two became as one and the flower is in the middle. Inside for a flower has been put a nice diamond what is surrounded with white gold. It looks fantastic and I believe, that my mother would had liked it. As it is for me, I loved it. The jeweler has made a wonderful work with it. Now I just have to be bit patient and wait until my fiancée puts it on my finger in less than 2 weeks time :) 

Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,

"Tanken manifesteras som ordet. Ordet manifesteras som gärningen. Gärningen utvecklas till en vana. Och vanan förstärkas och blir till karaktärsegenskaper. Iaktta därför tankarna och deras vägar med stor omsorg. Låt dem uppstå ur en kärlek som föds ur en omsorg för alla varelser."


"The thought manifests as the word. The word manifests as deed. The deed develops into habit. And the habit reinforced and becomes the character properties. Therefore shall the thoughts and their ways with great care. Let them arise out of a love that is born out of a concern for all beings. "