Monday, February 9, 2015

A good day,

It has been some good days lately and that has made me feel good and also very happy. A feelings, what I have missed quite a lot due some other reasons. It feels, that after last operation I feel bit more as a human. I just do not want to think about my shoulder. That we don't talk about that since I just want to see the positive.
In Saturday I was away from home and had a very good time with a very good friend. Sunday belonged to school, since I thought that it will be good to fix the last thing on Economy and when I can enjoy a week before oral examination and enjoy the cinema visit with friends and husbands birthday, but also weekend in countryside. I love to spend my time in countryside. It will be perfect week I have decide :) It is enough with problems and issues and other scrap. Time to enjoy the positive things.
Today I started with breakfast with husband and after that me and Sally took a good powerwalk. I think that Sally is still not used with the short coat :D When we came back at home, we cuddled up on couch and took a small nap. After was a small coffee break in Norrahammar and visit to local medical center. I will never want to change that medical center with some other as long those doctors are there, who really are caring for their patience and listen them. That makes a lot. New medications and my injection and I was good to go again. Heheee :D Feels good. Next week I will talk with my doctor number one and after that if not earlier, when on 8 weeks it will be time for new injections. Time goes fast we could consider today. Last 8 weeks had passed very fast. She was happy to see me and told me that she can see changes on me after my last operation in December. I took that as a good grade to me. It has not been easy time, but it has been time, what has been very useful in so many different ways. I have got to know a lot of wonderful persons and spend good times.
After visit to medical centre I took my black purse and drove to Jönköping. Had lunch in Ikea with my dear and took a visit on the shop. Before the way out of city I visited Naked Juice Bar and bought a good healthy smoothie and met up with my husband. We decided to take another road for a change to home, and had to change that plan quite fast. There had happened accident and we needed to take a smaller road, but I loved it. I got to see so wonderfully beautiful sunset. Sad to miss the better camera, but good that todays mobile cameras are also more advanced and you can take quite a beautiful pictures. I loved the colors. it was a feeling like it was burning. Perfekt sundet after a so perfect and good day. Not surprised that my medical center personal says that I have changed more happier person. It feels good.Thank you for everyone who had made my weekend and my Monday a good and happy day!
Now, time for some TV and a good book. Tomorrow will be new day full with computer helping and later we will get visit from Northern Sweden. Love it.
Have a nice evening!