Saturday, March 26, 2011


It has been a wonderful day. It has been interesting and we all have enjoyed. At least me and my dear beloved fiancee.

Now on the other hand I don't feel well. Freezing and feeling cold and small snot has also arrived. Hopefully I will not get sick. That it is not my intention and plan. Soon we will have our wedding and also we will have so many other things on plan, that there is no time to get sick.

From today, there is only 5 weeks left to our wedding day. Today we had our rehearsal as I was write also earlier in my blog. Now in the evening, I just try to take it easy and drink some warm tea to keep me warm.
Also we are looking from TV the opera by Metropolitan Opera in New York. It feels so good to listen something nice. Today they show Cinderella. The story what is bit different, what we used to know, but still very good, interesting and most of all, it has happy ending.

Later it will be some reading under warm blanket, because instead to go out with Kristi and dance some Salsa, I think I should stay inside and drink some more warm tea, so that I would not get really sick. Tomorrow will be again new day what would be full of other things, what is need to be done. One of them would be fixing lock in terrace door. Also some baking is need to be done and some good food. Just to have a small romantic evening together with my love. Weather, what is promised for tomorrow, will be cloudy and cold and when it would be no point to be outside. Next week, they promise more sun and spring.

Sleep well and Good night! We will meet tomorrow again.

After rehearsal.

Now it is done. Rehearsal is over and everyone spends evening after as they planned. Plan for church is made and small ground plan for all wedding day is also done for now. Last one just needs a small adjustments to make and first plan needs some more work, since we need to talk bit with our solo singer and cantor and also with our photographer. I also have to translate one blessing to Estonian, since our priest is very kind and willing to say that also in Estonian.

Rehearsal at church went well. But I must had been in nervous, when we left from home, since I did not saw, that I had two different shoes on. That was first time, when that happened with me. At least we all got bit laugh over it :)

Many have been asked about, am I nervous. I must say, now I start slowly to feel that I am nervous or getting more nervous about all that wedding day and also wedding ceremony. I know that I should not be nervous but I am in some strange reason. But we all have our doubts and so on. There is one thing I am at least very sure - we both love each other and that decision about getting married was not something we rushed in. We both knew, that it feels right and we want it.

After church, we game to our home. Had a nice lunch. Made small ground plan for party and just talked bit with each other. Later I had small visitor over and others just left home. In the end, I think all went well and now it is just to wait our big day. Small things are just left to do now and when we just can relax after all that big work.

Before rehearsal.

Today will be meeting at church together with Pries and my fiancée and all others, who will participate at church. Today we will have our rehearsal for the wedding. Last night we finished last things for the program. Today we have to talk with priest about it and see, what does he thinks about it. After that we can see, how it will end up :D Might be, that we need to make some more changes at the program in church. Will see.
After rehearsal, we all will come here, have good food and make planning for party and eating and so on. At least I am sure one thing. I will never get married after that again. Too much to think ;) Easier would be to stay married ;)

Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,

Alla drar vi till oss saker i varje ögonblick av vårt liv. när du känner att attraktionslagen inte fungerar för dig eftersom du inte har det du vill ha, påminn dig då om att lagen faktiskt svarar an på dig. Antagningen drar du till dig det u vill ha eller så drar du till dig frånvaron av det du vill ha.

Attraktionslagen fungerar alltid!

All we draw to us things in every moment of our lives. When you feel that the law of attraction not working for you because you do not have what you want, remind yourself when that law actually answers for you. Admissions drag you to that what you want or you drag yourself to the absence of what you want.

Law of Attraction always works!