Sunday, May 19, 2013

Thank you Malmö,

Congratulations Denmark!!
It was amazing to see Denmark to win! Same time it is no surprise, since the song was wonderful! That means that next year's Eurovision Song Contest will be held somewhere in beautiful Denmark. Will be interesting to see where it will be held and how it will go to all Nordic countries as well as to Estonia.
This year Estonia had not very much luck, but at least we did not end in last place as previous year. We managed to gather together 19 points. Of course, it is not very much, but it is there. Felt little bit sorry for Ireland since they ended last place. There was some songs what was worse than this, but that it is people who is voting and choosing their favorite as well as jury panel. So some songs placement was surprise as others was not so much! One thing I am happy, that Denmark won.
Eurovision show it self was very good. It had it's own effects and Host Petra Mede made it well. Liked the small clips what was between some performances as  well performance from Sarah Dawn Finer.
Sleep well and have a nice dreams!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Soon it is time,

Soon it is time for this years Eurovision Song Contest in Malmö, Sweden. Last 2 nights with semifinals has been interesting, but I am very sure, that today's final will be much more interesting.
6 countries was already passed to final as usually and then from final in Tuesday joined first 10 countries and last 10 countries joined with finalists from semifinal in Thursday.
As it came out, then all Nordic countries came through to final together with Estonia. It will be interesting evening. I am sure on that. As I have listened now both semifinals and the songs what has been went further I am still fond of Danish song and in some reason, I do hope that this song will win, but it is not sure before the end of the Song Contest. At least I can hope.
I liked that some songs was in the singers native language. I know, that it is hard to understand what do they sing, but usually can see it on translations. It is just nice to hear different languages, what we do not hear often. In the same time it gives different emotions for the Eurovision.
From the semifinals I must admit I really liked the small breaks with Lynda Woodruff. That character is played by Sarah Dawn Finer. Really funny bits. I am waiting already todays scenes. Will be fun to see, what will happen today. Last time she managed miss Malmö and ended up in Copenhagen. It felt like Malmö was small city, so that could be managed to pass without seeing it. At least it was fun.
Already from the morning program in TV they was on the road to Eurovision. It was interesting to see different thoughts and interviews.  
So, soon it is only 1,5 hours left for the show.  First will be last program before Eurovision Song Contest and when let the show begin.
I would like to wish you all a wonderful evening, good music and let your favorite country win! For me, I hope winner will be Denmark!

Have a wonderful evening!


On our way to home, we decided to instead highway to take smaller road home. It was nice change for a while. Usually I prefer fastest road, but must admit, sometimes smaller roads gives nicer view to see.
Best part for yesterday was to see sunset. In some reason I really love to see when sun goes down and evening arrives. Specially when I can see it near the water. Yesterday I could see it by Vättern - deepest lake in Sweden. It was really forth all that traveling. The colors was perfect and wonderful. It will not be last time I will go look sunset together with camera.
Nature can be very nice and give a beautiful colors. No wonder, why I love to be in nature. One thing I am sure, it was nice to have a small trip again. I have missed them, since it has been a while from the last small trip. Before we did it more often and it gives me some peace in my mind.  I am sure in one thing - that should happen more often and I will try to keep that promise for myself.

Have a nice day!

Visit to Linköping,

Yesterday after my workday and meetings I went to Linköping, since my husband had spent last 3 workdays there and same time at to come home, we could look little bit around in the city.
For me, it was second time to be in Linköping. First time I visited it some months ago, but since I went there in the evening and came back already in the morning, when I could not see much and the weather was not the best either.
Yesterday I took a little longer time to visit the city. One place I visited yesterday of course was tea and coffee shop. Not that I bough now some coffee, but tea instead. That big choice of tea gives so many possibilities to try many tastes. My favorite so long has became Strawberry Champagne green tea. Yesterday I bought another new taste, but I must have put it too much since it tasted very strong.
I also could visit some more in the city. Took a very long promenade and could take some pictures. It is another world for I can go.
Just before I started to drive from Jönköping towards Linköping, I got sms that I should take a camera with me. Yeah sure. I told that it is home and I am just starting to drive to Linköping, we decided that camera from cell phone should be work for this time. Yeah sure :) After I got to see some nice places, we talked to buy one cheap compact camera and the result was, that it was forth more than it costs. Pictures I could take was very nice ones and result was good. So I am happy, since I could get some very nice pictures. We decided that this camera will stay in the car, because when we might forget other cameras at home, we always have back up with us.
Visited also tourist information, since I love to look and take photos of architecture. The girls was very helpful. I got some maps and materials with me.  Yesterday I started with my tour, I will continue it next time. I think that next time I will visit place in the weekend or when I have my vacation, since when I can see more places during one day :D
At least I can say, that I had really good couple of hours in Linköping. It was really nice to be another environment. Definitely I will remember that trip in so many reasons - new camera, nice pictures and damaged elbow :D
Have a nice day!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Ready for final,


Today's semifinal is now finished and 10 more countries are ready to join with the 16 countries, whom is already is on final. After today's semifinal all Nordic countries - Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Island is represented in final and also my home country Estonia. The interesting part was that our southern neighbor Latvia, went not further to final.
One of my favorite song today was from Romania and it seemed that many other countries liked it as well, since it went also to final. It was nice to see opera mixed together with pop music.

 Another very nice song came from Georgia. Today came out also that this song was written by Swedish authors. Same one who wrote the Loreens winning song in last year Eurovision Song Contest.

Now I just have to wait until Saturday to see, who will win all the Eurovision Song Contest and which country will hold the contest next year.

Have a nice night and sleep well!!

Eurovision Song Contest - 2nd semifinal,

Today it is time for Eurovision again. It is second semifinal. 10 more countries will need to go further to final in Saturday. I must admit, that I have not looked yet, which countries have best songs, because in some reason it is more fun to look when you do not have listen songs before and can see their presentations as they have to fight for the place. Sweden will not perform tonight again, they are in one of the countries who was lucky to get directly to final in Saturday.
It will nice to look something else and listen some music :) Will see, who goes further to final today.

Have a nice evening!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

We are one,

As the result of the first Eurovision Song Contest semifinal, my home country Estonia is further in final on Saturday. I must admit, that I am very happy over it, but also little bit surprised because seemed that this year there was so many ballads and single singers. Same time, I am also happy that Denmark went further. In deed I must admit, that I liked Denmark's song more, than I liked Estonian song. That makes Saturday's Eurovision Song Contest final more interesting, since three countries I hold, all three are there represented - Denmark, Sweden and of course Estonia. Will be fun to see, which country till get highest score and place :)
I have already decided, that in Saturday i will keep and hold my fingers for Denmark.

Here is Denmark's contribution for this year. I think that this song was and is very nice. Something for my taste.

Now, there is to wait Thursday and second semifinal. It will be nice to see, which will be other 10 countries who will go further to final in Saturday and compete against Estonia, Denmark and Sweden.

Have a nice evening and good night!!

Eurovision Song Contest - 1st semifinal

Today starts the Eurovision song contest again, for this year. Today will also my home country Estonia sing this years contribution and then we can see, will the song go all the way to final in Saturday or not.
There has been so many opinions how the result for today will be, so for it is just to look in front of TV and perhaps to hope that song is good enough that people will choose it to go further to final.  Would be nice to see it together with Sweden in final. It will be then small betting camp who will became the best place. For now, it will just to hope to survive the evening.

Have a nice evening!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

Today is mother's day in so many countries, including in Estonia. For me, it is 10th times to celebrate it without my mother. It shows how fast time just flies.
When we are small children, we love our mother and running always to her if we have some small problems. When we get older and come in to teenage age, we might get irritated to our mother, might be angry and not think the same as mother would like us to think. We get more older, starting to live our own life and still first person we turn with questions, thoughts and ideas we have is our mothers.
I miss my mother. Sometimes I would like just to talk with her or just ask advice, I can't have that possibility more, since it has been years my mom passed away. That does not make it easier when days just pass and turns to years. Small things remembers what we might had, but do not have.
Love your mothers as long as you have that possibility. Happy Mother's day for you all mothers!

Take care and have a nice day!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Anniversary present,

Some days ago, me and mu husband  had our 2nd wedding anniversary. This year we could not celebrate it together, since I was at home and he was on his business trip to Östersund. We decided do celebrate it in the weekend, but some things got changed and we will go to cinema tomorrow and will have some good food in the evening instead.
When he came home on Thursday, he had some presents with him for me. The most nicest present was anniversary present. A jewelry set with earrings and necklace in silver. I liked that it was handmade. A small special feeling and same time it is very nice. I have started to like more handmade things, because when you are knowing that they have been made in two reasons. One, because someone really likes what she/he is doing and it comes from the heart and for the second, there is never two same look likes since even thought we use same pattern for the things, we can't have exactly the same result.
I really loved it. I liked other presents as well, but that was the nicest. Other present I got was a candle holder and small green sea-monster :) Sea-monster fitted very well with the plant I bought for my self. One thing I am sure, those present came from the heart and that's why they are important for me.
Have a nice day!

Friday, May 3, 2013


Trust is one of the important thing we people are having. To trust someone, means that it feels right to help person, feels right to open us to someone, but also open the door to our life and surrounding people who belongs to our environment.
As it also says, that trust is something man build many years, but it can be broke with just a second. How should we behave when? Should we let people to take advantage of us, if they only want to use us and after that damage us? Should we be kind and let us be taken advantage? How long we should let other to take advantage of us?
It just wakes up a lot of more question marks and seems, that they will just pop-up easily when one question will be answered.
What means trust for one person, might not mean same to another person. Same time for most people trust means, that we trust that person - we tell our secrets, we open ourselves, we let people use our things and so on and on. What happens if the trust is broken? It is actually very easy to break that tiny rope what has been build. How should we go on after the trust is broken? How should we treat other people after we have lost trust for some people?
Yes I know, not all the people are same, but it is not easy to trust others if the things we experience has only showed us, that trust can be broken so easy. Would it be easy to trust again the person who has break the trust bandage? No, it is not. We probably never trust that person again and will never even plan do it!! It is never easy to do it after the small bandage is broken. We can be polite, we can smile and not to cry, but we never open ourselves to that person again.
So, keep the trust you have between each other. It is one of the precious present we can have!
Have a nice evening!

My eyelashes,

In easter time I was in Estonia and visited my family. Some days before I came back home to Sweden, I visited beauty salon and got extensions for my lashes. I have naturally very short ones and who does not love long and nice ones.
Today it was time to go and get filled them with new ones. That is really something I love and like. Makes me feel very good and more beautiful. Makes my self-confidence little bit more better. So next 4 weeks I am happy girl again :)
Have a nice evening.