Monday, March 28, 2011

I love you,

When we love, it is not necessary to understand what is happening outside, because everything begins to happen inside us instead.

Home alone,

From today until to Wednesday evening I will be home alone. It will not be as drastic home alone being as Kevin had it in Home Alone 1, 2 and 3 :) My dear Bamse went to Skellefteå. But, he will be back home already on Wednesday evening.

Today it has been day full of work. As it is often, that it is very hard to wake up on Monday mornings after weekend and we have had very nice weekend. After work, we had cup of coffee with Kristi in our new favorite coffee place. We enjoyed nice and sunny weather outside. After we both had got some sun to face. Hopefully tomorrow will be same nice weather.

Today's post was bring me also small surprise. I got my scarf for wedding dress. Now I will need to think, will I have cloves to it as well or not. That will be small question of a day. At least scarf looked very nice for the dress. I just hope that we both will enjoy our day.

Now in the evening I have just relaxed bit. Have been spoiling my small Greta and gave her and also to Wille some wet food and also their own food. Now one sleeps other sofa and Greta next to me. Talk about unconditional love. Animals are not stupid at all.

Now I am looking news. It looks sad, that there needs to be war in the world. They talked that NATO has asked today officially from Sweden about will they be with NATO against fight for Libya. Gaddafi has  been ruler over Libya for 42 years. Does he not understand, that world has been changed a lot with those past 42 years. The country needs to have changes, especially in the politics to get fresh view, what happens around and what might make better living conditions for country's population. Hopefully soon will be piece and changes also in Libya, because most who gets hurt are children and innocent people.

Tomorrow we have no work at costumers place, but that does not mean, that we don't do some work as well. One thing, what we will do is to have small coffee, I also have to give our tax declaration papers to Kristi together with driving kilometers, what we drove with our private car before we bought companies car and after we bought companies car. It will be at least a little. First papers I got, was good ones :) I suppose to get some money back, but that was without our companies earnings and information of outgoings. We hope, that we have been good and that we will get still something back :) A dreams and hopes dies last ;)
Now, I will finish my text for today. I feel still sad and think a good book will help me to not to be that sad anymore.

Sleep well and good night!

Veckans visdomsord / Weeks words of wisdom,

Världens kraft måste ständigt förnyas.
Kroppen och själen behöver nya vägar för att förenas på ett harmoniskt sätt.

World's force must be constantly renewed.
The body and soul need new ways to unite in a harmonious way.

Dagens visdomsord / Today's words of wisdom,

 Det faktum att du börjar ställa frågor om livet är ett tecken på att du är nära ett riktigt genombrott.

Sanningen om livet finns tillgänglig för alla, precis som den alltid har gjort, men bara de som ställer frågor får svar och upptäcker sanningen. När vi ställer frågor och hyser en djup önskan om att vi får svar, då kommer vi att dra till oss svaren i en form som vi kan förstå.

För att få svar i livet, måste du börja ställa frågor.

The fact that you start to ask questions about life is a sign that you are close to a real breakthrough.

The truth about life is available to all, just as it always has done, but only those who ask questions get answers and discover the truth. When we ask questions and harbors a deep desire that we get a response, then we will draw to us the answers in a form that we can understand.

To find the answers in life, you have to start asking questions.