Monday, February 24, 2014

Happy Independence Day,

Today we celebrate in Estonia Independence Day. It is 96 years, since Estonia gain first time it's independence and was acknowledged as a new independent country.  Between when and now, has happened so many other different things. We have belonged to Germany and Russia. Last time Estonia was under Russian occupation. Estonia gained it's Re-Independence in 1991.
Today, I do not live self longer in Estonia, since life has taken me away, but my family lives still there and in my heart I will always be proud Estonian.
So many people are whining that it is hard life in Estonia, that nothing is not good. So many people are thinking that if you live abroad, when life is good, golden and everything is much better. Those whiners does not think, that other places as well as in Estonia, you have to pay taxes, rent, buy food and other things you need to live. You have to work abroad as well as you have to work in Estonia. I think, the whiners do as they usually doing, just whining, no matter where they are and live, since it is easy to be whiner and complain the hard life. Whiners are complaining over low salary, high rent, high alcohol and cigarette prices and other things. Nothing is not good.
I have lived quite many years abroad and seen so many different things. Of course every place have it's positive and negative sides. That is always like that. So many different things what I liked in Estonia and I miss here in Sweden as well I have missed those other countries, but that does not mean, that I do not like other things here.
I miss quite often home to my family, but I can say that I am lucky, since I have two homes - one in Sweden and one in Estonia. I can talk with my family whenever I want and often go and visit them, when I have possibility and I have had family over here as well. So, instead to complain how hard and negative all this is, instead, should people learn to live and to enjoy, what they are having. I am happy over my family, my friends in my life and other small things.
Today, as proud Estonian, I have as well celebrated at home our Independence day.Enjoyed the presents, what I had got from my family and just thought my childhood and time in Estonia.
I want to wish to other Estonians, Happy Independence Day and be less whiny and just enjoy what you are having.
